
Audio recorder component for Vue.js 3. It enables to record, play and send audio messages to a server.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

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Audio recorder component for Vue.js 3. It enables to record, play and send audio messages to a server. There is a corresponding serverless backend function called audio-tapir-function. You can use both in combination to send you an email with the recorded audio message.


Demo page of Audio Tapir, you can record and play audio, but submitting is disabled.

Use Case

The most popular use case of vue-audio-tapir is to deliver an audio contact message directly from a website to your email inbox.

Architecture Overview

The developer includes the vue-audio-tapir component in his Vue 3 website. When the user of the website wants to leave a voice message, he records his message and submits it. Vue-audio-tapir contacts the backend server, a Netlify serverless function and uploads the audio data. The serverless backend function sends the audio data to an email address using the email service Sendgrid. Finally the email with the voice message arrives at the destination, probably the email application of the website owner.


In a Vue 3 application install with:

npm i vue-audio-tapir --save


yarn add vue-audio-tapir --save

Example Usage

  <tapir-widget :time="2" backendEndpoint="https://your-endpoint.com/.netlify/functions/audio-message" 

import TapirWidget from 'vue-audio-tapir';
import 'vue-audio-tapir/dist/vue-audio-tapir.css';

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {


Name Type Description
time Number Maximum recording time in minutes
bitRate Number Bit rate of recording
sampleRate Number Sample rate of recording
backendEndpoint String URL of the service that receives the data as POST
buttonColor String Color code of the buttons for theming
afterRecording Function Callback function when recording is finished.
successfulUpload Function Callback function that is called when data is uploaded successfully.
failedUpload Function Callback function that is called when upload failed.
customUpload Function Custom upload function that expects the audio blob as parameter. Returns true when successful, false when error.

The data sent to the server is encoded in the WAV format.

Local Development

If you need to run audio-tapir locally, run:

npm run serve


If you want to build audio-tapir locally, run:

npm run build


Successfully tested with applications that use Vue 3 and vue-cli.


More Information

Follow me on Twitter for updates: @tderflinger

Your can read more about the Audio Tapir project on my blog:


Further Reading


This project has been inspired by vue-audio-recorder by Gennady Grishkovtsov.


MIT License