
Survey commissioned by the Barnes Foundation from BeHeardPhilly at Temple University's Institute for Survey Research. Our goal in commissioning the survey was to understand how knowledge and perceptions of the Barnes vary throughout Philadelphia by zip code.

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The Barnes Foundation (the “Barnes”) was established by Albert C. Barnes in 1922 to "promote the advancement of education and the appreciation of the fine arts and horticulture." The Barnes holds one of the finest collections of impressionist, post-impressionist and early modern paintings, with extensive works by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Henri Rousseau, Amedeo Modigliani, Chaim Soutine, and Giorgio de Chirico; old master paintings; important examples of African sculpture; Native American ceramics, jewelry and textiles; American paintings and decorative arts; and antiquities from the Mediterranean region and Asia. The Foundation's Barnes-de Mazia Education Program engages diverse audiences. These programs, held at the Philadelphia campus, online, and in Philadelphia communities, advance the mission through progressive, experimental, and interdisciplinary teaching and learning. For more information about the Barnes visit www.barnesfoundation.org.

The Barnes Foundation commissioned BeHeardPhilly at Temple University's Institute for Survey Research to survey how knowledge and perceptions of the Barnes vary throughout Philadelphia by zip code. The files included here are related to this survey:

  1. Barnes Survey Layout_Fall 2016: What we asked BHP survey panelists including skip logic.

  2. BeHeardPhilly Barnes Foundation Survey Report_HG1_22_17_SB: Report authored by BHP interpreting results of survey.

  3. BeHeardPhilly Barnes Foundation Survey_Appendix_II_Basic Tables: Appendix that gives additional calcuations on basic table in original report.

  4. BeHeardPhilly Barnes Foundation Survey_Appendix_III_Full Text Responses: Open responses from BHP survey panelists.

  5. FINAL BARNES DATASET 20170122.sav: Raw data.

This dataset is placed in the public domain using a CC0 License.

BeHeardPhilly is a civic engagement and community access tool used to understand the opinions, thoughts, and activities of Philadelphia residents. At its core, it is a group of community members who have “opted in” and agreed to take surveys and participate in ongoing research driven by local government and nonprofit organizations and initiatives. It is a cost-effective and convenient resource for conducting social science or public opinion research in the City of Philadelphia. BeHeardPhilly is owned, managed, and operated by the Institute for Survey Research at Temple University.

Usage Guidelines: The dataset has been dedicated to the public domain and all rights in the dataset have been waived worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Give attribution Although not a legal requirement, the Barnes requests that you acknowledge and give attribution to BeHeardPhilly and the Barnes wherever possible. Attribution supports efforts to release other data, and helps retain links to authoritative sources.

Disclose Your Modifications and Contribute Modified Dataset Back. Whenever you transform, translate or otherwise modify the dataset, you must make it clear that the resulting information has been modified. If you enrich or otherwise modify the dataset, we hope you will publish the derived dataset without reuse restrictions.

Be Transparent, Respect Trademarks Do not mislead others or misrepresent the dataset or its source. You must not use the trademarks of the Barnes Foundation, Temple University, the Institute for Survey Research or BeHeardPhilly, or otherwise claim or imply that any such entity endorses you or your use of the dataset.

Use the Data at Your Own Risk. The datasets are made available as-is and no party makes any representations or warranties of any kind concerning any dataset published by the Barnes.

The Barnes Foundation is indebted to the metadata usage guidelines of Europeana [http://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/rights/metadata.html] for the foregoing statement.