This package allows a Doctrine model based authentication for Laravel 5. Tries to avoid multiple ways to access database for projects using laravel-doctrine package.
Configure [laravel-doctrine]( ravel-doctrine) package with DriverChain driver.
Require barnetik/doctrine-auth-provider
in composer.json and run composer update
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "5.0.*",
"barnetik/doctrine-auth-provider": "*"
Composer will download the package. After the package is downloaded, open config/app.php
and add the service provider:
'providers' => array(
Copy the base model to your models path using this command:
$ php artisan doctrine-auth:publish:usermodel \My\Models\Path
Take care about the PATH, the command will use de app_path() as base path.
Once the Model is in its place, create the table in the DB.
Generate a migration diff :
$ php vendor/bin/doctrine-laravel migrations:diff
Check the generated file and if everything is ok, do the migration:
$ php vendor/bin/doctrine-laravel migrations:migrate
Open config/auth.php
and set appropiate driver and model:
'driver' => 'doctrine',
'model' => 'My\Models\Path\User',
Use authentication as explained on Laravel's Authentication chapter.
If desired, generate user with provided command:
$ php artisan doctrine-auth:user:create --username=admin --password=1234
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software license under the MIT license
This project is too to ensure maximum compatibility.