
LeoBT - Simple lightweight C# Behaviour Tree framework

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

gitter discord license

LeoBT - Simple lightweight C# Behaviour Tree framework

Code only, small codebase, no dependencies on any game engine - main goals of this framework.

Tested on unity 2019.1 (not dependent on it) and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.

Its early work-in-progress stage, not recommended to use in real projects, any api / behaviour can change later.

Important! Dont forget to use DEBUG builds for development and RELEASE builds in production: all internal error checks / exception throwing works only in DEBUG builds and eleminated for performance reasons in RELEASE.


As unity module

This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json:

"com.leopotam.bt": "https://github.com/Leopotam/bt.git",

By default last released version will be used. If you need trunk / developing version then develop name of branch should be added after hash:

"com.leopotam.bt": "https://github.com/Leopotam/bt.git#develop",

As source

If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be downloaded as sources archive of required release from Releases page.


class BtStore {
    public int State1;
    public int State2;
    public int State3;

class BtTest : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start () {
        var bt = new Bt<BtStore> (new BtStore ());
        // Sequence test.
            .Then (OnNode1)
            .Then (OnNode2)
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("lambda node - ok");
                return BtResult.Success;

            // Nested BehaviourTreeSequence test.
            .Seq ()
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("internal_sequence1 - ok");
                return BtResult.Success;
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("internal_sequence2 - ok");
                return BtResult.Success;

        // Parallel test.
            .Parallel ()
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("parallel_node1 - ok");
                return BtResult.Success;
            .Then (store => {
                if (store.State2 < 2) {
                    Debug.Log ("parallel_node2 - pending");
                    return BtResult.Pending;
                Debug.Log ("parallel_node2 - ok");
                return BtResult.Success;

            // Condition test.
            .When (store => {
                return store.State3 >= 2 ? BtResult.Success : BtResult.Fail;
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("wow, pending counter >= 2!");
                return BtResult.Success;

        // Select test.
            .Select ()
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("will be processed");
                return BtResult.Fail;
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("will be processed too");
                return BtResult.Fail;
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("will be processed and stopped on it");
                return BtResult.Success;
            .Then (store => {
                Debug.Log ("will not be processed because previous node returned positive result");
                return BtResult.Fail;

        // Bt ready to run.
        BtResult res;
        do {
            res = bt.Run ();
            Debug.Log (">>> " + res);
        } while (res == BtResult.Pending);

    BtResult OnNode1 (BtStore store) {
        if (store.State1 < 2) {
            Debug.Log ("node1 - pending");
            return BtResult.Pending;
        Debug.Log ("node1 - ok");
        return BtResult.Success;

    BtResult OnNode2 (BtStore store) {
        Debug.Log ("node2 - ok");
        return BtResult.Success;


node1 - pending
>>> Pending
node1 - ok
node2 - ok
lambda node - ok
internal_sequence1 - ok
internal_sequence2 - ok
parallel_node1 - ok
parallel_node2 - pending
>>> Pending
parallel_node1 - ok
parallel_node2 - ok
wow, pending counter >= 2!
will be processed
will be processed too
will be processed and stopped on it
>>> Success


The software released under the terms of the MIT license. Enjoy.


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