Python algorithm that uses the Trapezoidal rule for aproximating integrals from a data set. We know that:

$$\int_a^b f(x) dx \approx \sum_{k=1}^N \frac{f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k)}{2}\Delta x_k$$ And using this method we can import a data set of the form:

x f(x)
$$x_1$$ $f(x_1)$
$$x_2$$ $f(x_2)$
$$x_3$$ $f(x_3)$
... ...
$$x_n$$ $$f(x_n)$$

Which should be saved in an external file and will later be parsed onto the main file. The program will take two arguments:

Arguments Description
-f Mandatory, precedes the path for the dataset
-g Optional, if the argument is y then it graphs the dataset

Finally, the program is to be used as follows on the console:

foo@bar:~$ python3 -f filePath 

Or, in case that the graph of the function is needed:

foo@bar:~$ python3 -f filePath -g y

Please let me know if there are any questions.