Since Punk API shut down, it is possible using the app with only the 20 beers items available in BeerAppDatabase.db
A sample Android native app that shows a list of beers using the Punk API. The app is based on Android developers architecture developed with Jetpack Compose.
The app follows an implementation of mudularazition by features:
- Features
- detail, it shows the detail page
- home, it shows the main page
- Libraries
- beer, it exposes the information related beers and takes care of managing online and offline logic
- navigator, it provides a way to navigate between pages
- ui, it contains Compose theme configuration
This app is mentioned in the following articles:
- Android app modularization with Clean Architecture
- Android: Single Source Of Truth Strategy (Offline-First)
- A custom pagination in Compose — An alternative to the Android Paging Library
- The network API requests are made using Retrofit and the data are stored with Room
- The Dependency Injection module is based on Hilt
The Gradle build is implemented with Gradle’s Kotlin DSL, an alternative syntax to the traditional Groovy DSL.
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