
3D Noise in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install noise3d


var noise = require("noise3d");

var perlin = noise.createPerlin({
	interpolation: noise.interpolation.linear,
	permutation: noise.array.shuffle(noise.array.range(0, 255), Math.random)

var brownian = noise.createBrownianMotion({
	octaves: 4,
	persistence: 0.5,
	noise: perlin

for (var x = 0; x < 512; x++) {
	for (var y = 0; y < 512; y++) {
		var z = 1; // keep z constant for 2D noise
		image[x][y] = 127 + brownian(x / 64, y / 64, z) * 128;

Noise functions

All noise functions implement following interface:

value = noise(x, y, z)
  • x x coordinate
  • y y coordinate
  • z z coordinate
  • value noise value between [-1, +1]


Perlin Noise

var perlin = noise.createPerlin({
	interpolation: noise.interpolation.linear,
	permutation: noise.array.shuffle(noise.array.range(0, 255), Math.random)
  • params.interpolation interpolation method (see utility methods)
  • params.permutation permutation array (numbers 0 to 255 in pseudorandom order)


Checkerboard Pattern

var checker = noise.createCheckerboard({
	interpolation: noise.interpolation.nearestNeighbour,
	size: 2
  • params.interpolation interpolation method (see utility methods)
  • params.size size between checkerboard rectangles


Constant Value

var constant = noise.createConstant({
	value: 0.3
  • params.value constant value between [-1, +1]


Inverts noise values

var invert = noise.createInverter({
	noise: perlin
  • params.noise the noise function (x, y, z) to invert


Fractal Brownian Motion

var brownian = noise.createBrownianMotion({
	octaves: 4,
	persistence: 0.5,
	noise: perlin
  • params.octaves number of octaves
  • params.persistence persistence (amplitude)
  • params.noise input noise function to fractionally combine

Utility methods


All interpolation methods implement following interface:

value = interpolate(a, b, t)
  • noise.interpolation.nearestNeighbour
  • noise.interpolation.linear
  • noise.interpolation.cosine

noise.array.range(a, b)

Create an array with items between a and b

noise.array.range(3, 5) == [3, 4, 5]

noise.array.shuffle(array, random)

Shuffle an array

noise.array.shuffle([3, 4, 5], Math.random)
  • array the array to be shuffled
  • random a random function that generates numbers between [0, 1)