
First version of Book Searcher. Not all functionalities implemented. Made with some different technologies. 📗

Primary LanguageVue

❗ This version of the application is obsolete. Check the latest version

This version of the application includes other technologies. Not all functionalities have been implemented, but it is fully working.

Project Overview 🎨

Link to actual project overview

Tech/framework used 🧰

  • Common
Tech Description
Eslint Javascript Linter
Prettier Code formatter

  • Frontend
Tech Description
Typescript Javascript superset language
Vue 3 Progressive JavaScript Framework
SCSS CSS with superpowers
Vue Router Official router for Vue.js
Vuex State management for Vue.js
GSAP Professional-grade JavaScript animation for the modern web

  • Backend
Tech Description
Node JavaScript runtime
Express Web framework to Node.js
Typescript Javascript superset language
JWT Token managament (e.g. for login)
Nodemailer Email sending in Node.js
Cloudinary Helpful with uploading images
Joi Library for validation
MongoDB The database for modern applications
Mongoose Elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js

Performance 💨

The performance of this app was terrible. Fortunately, everything has been optimized and now the performance looks like this

Installation 💿

git clone https://github.com/Bartek532/book-searcher-mongo.git

# 1. Run server
cd server
npm install
npm run dev

# 2. Run client
cd client
npm install
npm run dev

Live 🎆

Actual live is available here