
A bot that checks if a car matching given requirements exists and sends an email.

Primary LanguagePython

OTOMOTO Search notifier

Get an email when a car matching your requirements is posted on Otomoto.

Env variables
Key Description Example
MAIL_RECEIVER Email address of the person that should get notified you@mail.com
GMAIL_EMAIL Bot's account Gmail address yourBot@gmail.com
GMAIL_PASSWORD Password to the bot account admin
OFFERS_URL Url to the search page with applied filters This url
Instalation steps
  1. Start by cloning this repository.

  2. Create a way of securely storing environment variables, or paste them into the sourceConfExample.sh

  3. Then add the script to your CRONtab For example: 0 */2 * * * source pathToRepo/sourceConfExample.sh && python3 pathToRepo/main.py