Workshop materials to demonstrate papaja (Aust & Barth, 2022) package for creating reproducible manuscripts.
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In the top-level of the directory are the slides for the workshop. You can render the slides with the quarto presentation file. It should knit providing all these files are in the same working directory including Screenshots as a folder.
To demonstrate the capability of papaja, I made a mock example to provide some context and show how each component works. You can view the results of this in the .pdf file for the knitted manuscript. This is what you can end up with.
Check out the .Rmd file if you want to play around with the example. It should knit if all these files are in the same working directory, including the Figures folder.
r-references.bib is updated every time you knit the document via a papaja helper function
references.bib is a BibTeX file I exported from Zotero for the references I used
apa7.csl is a CSL file to specify if you want to knit using APA style referencing
vancouver.csl is a CSL file to specify if you want to knit using Vancouver style referencing
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The Fundamentals of Quantitative Analysis book is probably the best one-stop resource as it's designed to teach MSc conversion students data skills in a 10-week semester.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.