
Programming challenge for millionpugs

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Millionpugs Challenge


The following project has been created to fulfil requirements for the interview programming task at MillionPugs.


Create REST endpoint for reading users bank account (defined in PLN) in USD. Use NBP API for currency conversion.

Running application

Spring boot

To run application as a Spring Boot application use gradle:

./gradlew bootRun

Docker container

To build a jar file and run it inside docker container use docker:

docker build -t millionpugs-challenge .
docker run -dp 8080:8080 millionpugs-challenge:latest

Please note that running application inside container takes time during the first build as it has to download Gradle and JDK 11.



By default, application run on localhost and port 8080.

Application database is auto-populated during startup.

To access H2 console open your browser at http://localhost:8080/h2-console

This is in-memory database used just for development purposes. All data will be lost when application will stop.

Property Value
Driver Class org.h2.Driver
JDBC Url jdbc:h2:mem:millionpugs
Username user
Password password


To quickly test endpoint use Postman collection provided in postman


API has been documented using OpenAPI format and is available in open-api