Premise selection for Lean

Screenshot of premise selection widget.

The aim of this project is to provide a tool for premise selection for Lean users.

The premise selection mechanism is based on machine learning -- a custom version of the random forest algorithm.

The machine learning model is trained on data extracted from mathlib. Each training data point is a pair (features T, premises T), where T is a theorem, features T are features of a statement of T extracted by our featurizer, and premises T is a list of names of premises used in a proof of T.

The user can ask for advice from the trained model by using the provided tactic suggest_premises. It returns a ranking of premises likely useful for proving a theorem at hand. The user may also extract their own training data and train their own machine learning model for premise selection.

The paper describing the design of the tool and its evaluation was accepted to TABLEAUX 2023 is available here.

Getting started

Make sure that elan is installed and up to date.

Download cached olean's for mathlib:

lake exe cache get

Build the project by running:

lake build

Building the widget

In order to use suggest_premises tactic and see the interactive list of premises you need to run the following:

cd widget
npm i
npm run build -- --tsxName index

Then using VS Code, head over to TacticTest.lean and hover on suggest_premises.

Downloading pre-trained models

The random forest model invoked by the suggest_premises is stored at data/forest.source.nb.small. This is a smaller model included in the repository mainly for the purpose of demonstration. One can download 'full-size', more capable models by running:

wget -P data
wget -P data
wget -P data

These three models were trained using a combination of name and bigram features, on all, source, and math premises, respectively (see the associated paper for an explanation). In order to use them, change the path in the definition of trainedForest in PremiseSelection/Tactic.lean.

Reproducing evaluation

To reproduce the evaluation of the machine learning predictors, as described in the associated paper, first, data needs to be extracted, and then split into training and testing parts. Then, a machine learning model may be trained, and its predictions compared to the ground truth. Instructions below.

Extracting data

To extract data from all the available modules run

./util/ [+all] [+source] [+math] [+n] [+b] [+t]

The meaning of the flags (compatible with the associated paper) is the following: +all -- all but auxiliary, automatically generated premises are extracted +source -- premises explicitly used in the source files are extracted +math -- 'mathematical' premises listed in math_names are extracted +n -- name features are used +b -- bigram features are used +t -- trigram features are used

The extracted data will be stored in the directory data/extracted.$PARAMS where $PARAMS is a list of parameters (separated by .) passed to the extracting script (e.g., extracted.+source.+n.+b).

Note, that you need to select at least one option out of +n, +b, +t. Otherwise an error will occur.

Training and evaluating machine learning models

To test the performance of the implemented machine learning algorithms (random forest and k-nearest neighbours), one should split the extracted data into training and testing parts:

./util/ # extract list of modules not being deps of other modules
./util/ data/extracted.$PARAMS

This will produce 4 files:


Evaluating random forest

To train a random forest model and evaluate its predictive performance on the testing part of the data, run the following:

./util/ data/extracted.$PARAMS

Random forest model will be trained and saved, and its predictions will be saved and compared against the true labels in terms of the Cover measure specified in util/

Evaluating k-nearest neighbours

To evaluate k-nearest neighbours predictive performance on the testing part of the data, run the following:

./util/ data/extracted.$PARAMS

The predictions will be saved and compared against the true labels in terms of the Cover measure specified in util/


If you edit the widget directory, after running npm run build -- --tsxName index, you should also delete the build directory to force Lean to refresh and use the new version.