
TSLint formatter that displays absolute paths with row/column on one line.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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TSLint formatter that displays absolute error path with row/column on one line.

A console formatter similar to the default output except the report displays absolute file paths with the row/column appended in a parsable format. The TypeScript equivalent of jshint-path-reporter.

This allows convenient use of TSLint from within tools that apply a filter RegExp to console views to turn error lines into clickable links to instantly navigate to the error location.


This reporter is tested and actively used in WebStorm with grunt-tslint. For maximum effect have a output filter configured in its edit-tool-dialog of the tool you run, something like:

$FILE_PATH$[ \t]*[:;,\[\(\{<]$LINE$(?:[:;,\.]$COLUMN$)?.*


Install from NPM

 $ npm install tslint-path-formatter

Then pass name of the module (or anything acceptable to require.resolve()) as the reporter option.


	tslint: {
		options: {
			configuration: grunt.file.readJSON("tslint.json"),
			formatter: 'tslint-path-formatter'
		source: {


Globally disable ANSI colouring

For low-tech displays and pure text.


Example output

Looks very similar to jshint-path-reporter:

WebStorm (with link filter and darcula theme): webstorm darcula



Install development dependencies in your git checkout:

$ npm install

You need the global grunt command:

$ npm install grunt-cli -g

Build and run tests:

$ grunt

See the Gruntfile for additional commands.


Copyright (c) 2013 Bart van der Schoor

Licensed under the MIT license.

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