
Source code of simonbot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot that can be programmed through discord itself!

Getting started

SimonBot's command syntax is quite simple and intuitive.

[prefix][name] = [arguments]* -> [expression] to set a command's name, argument and equivalent expression (arguments are optional).

[prefix][name] [expression] to call the named command.

And an expression is either or multiple of: general text; the command's arguments; a call to another command; a group.

Just remember that [prefix], [name] and [argument] cannot include any spaces, [argument] cannot start with [prefix], and commands are greedy by default.


!say = text -> text

!say a

!say_hi = !say hi



In order to make a group expression, you just have to surround it with parenthesis. Just make sure that the parenthesis are the outmost characters of any grouping expression!

Parenthesis inside words such as a(b or a)b are treated as regular text. The algorithm used is smart enough to ignore any extra closing parenthesis, but every opening must be properly matched for your command to work!

However, this means you can intentionally write parenthesis groups as regular text by escaping the open parenthesis character with a backslash as such: \(.


Backus Naur Form (BNF) is a formal way to define a programming language. Here it was used to formally define the bot's commands in terms of regex. You can see it is heavily inspired by lambda calculus.

<command> := <prefix><identifier> |
             <prefix><identifier> <expression>
<expression> := <identifier> |
                <abstraction> |
                <application> |
                <grouping> |

<prefix> := [^\s]+
<identifier> := (?!<prefix>)[^\s]+
<abstraction> := = <identifier> -> <expression>
<application> := <expression> <expression>
<grouping> := ( <expression> )


By changing the contents of index.js, you can make your own use of the parser and error handler. Set your own default prefix and commands, modify the error messages and even build your very own pipeline from scratch! This project can also easily be adapted to work with different frameworks, as it was designed to not depend on any external libraries.


This project was built with the functional programming paradigm. Thats why all the included 'classes' are actually functions.


  • Completely isolate response handling from the parsers (WIP)