

Foodpool comes from a combination of the words food and pool, as the app is based on the idea of pooling resources to make food delivery more convenient and cost-effective.

The term pool is often used in the context of carpooling, where people share a ride in a car to save money and reduce their environmental impact. In the same way, Foodpool suggests a shared resource for food delivery, where people can come together to make group orders.

The name Foodpool is catchy and easy to remember, which is important for an app that aims to simplify the food delivery process. It also conveys the sense of community and collaboration that is at the heart of the app's mission.

Installation 🔨

Install All Library In Project

dotnet restore

Install Database Migration Tool

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Start 🔥

Run without Hot Reload

dotnet run

Run with Hot Reload

dotnet watch

Other 🔍

Database Add Migration

dotnet ef migrations add {MigrationName} -c FoolpoolDbContext -o ./data/migrations

MigrationName is a name of action did you do.

Database Update Migration

dotnet ef database update