
This is a software implementation of a bank. No real bank should use this as it is mosly made up by my own reasoning and an attempt to apply proper software engineering on saturday nights when I'm bored.

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This is a software implementation of a bank. No real bank should use this as it is mosly made up by my own reasoning and an attempt to explore proper software engineering on saturday nights when I'm bored.


This list is more a 'Bas is bored again and wants something to tickle his brain' then a promise this will eventually become feature complete like descibred below. Again, this is one of my many Saturday-Evenings-I-Am-Bored projects.


Should be the focus instead of all technical mumbo jumbo.

  • Open a bank account
  • Wire money to another bank account
    • Figure out non-repudiation
  • Get the amount of money in a bank account
  • Get the transactions against a bank account
  • Do transaction monitoring
  • Do some sort of KYC from the banks perspective (Idea: Look into Camunda)
  • Write OpenAPI specification for external clients to interact with
  • Use JavaScript to build a real front-end


  • No merge to main unless all test pass
  • Use a Test Driven Development (kinda) method to develop this piece of software
  • Local tests should use Docker compose to test against real dependencies (Database, message queues...)
  • Local CI/CD with Dagger + precommit hook
  • Allow a merge to main only after succesfull CI (Github Runners)
  • Automate releases on Github
  • Include Grafana Cloud
    • Monitoring with Prometheus
    • Logs with Loki
    • Traces with Tempo
  • Deployment target: Digital Ocean Kubernetes Engine
    • Terraform
    • ArgoCD
      • Use syncwaves


  • Keycloak (for auth)
  • Postgres (for application data)


Sources from which this repo (or its author) got inspirational insights, listed out in no particular order.