IBM Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Welcome to the repository for my IBM Front-End Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera! This repository showcases my learning journey, projects, and achievements throughout the duration of the certificate program.

Certificate Overview

  • Issuing Platform: Coursera
  • Certificate Earned: Link to Certificate
  • Completion Date: October, 2023

Courses Included

  1. Introduction to Software Engineering

    • Course Link
    • This course applies engineering principles to build efficient software systems through the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Skills encompass software architecture, SDLC methodologies, and agile practices, leading to careers like Software Developer or Systems Analyst, requiring proficiency in programming and adaptability to emerging technologies.
  2. Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    • Course Link
    • I learned to create and style web pages and enhance functionality through JavaScript. Gain practical skills to build interactive and dynamic websites, guided by IBM's expertise in the field. Perfect for those aspiring to start a career in web development.
  3. Getting Started with Git and GitHub

    • Course Link
    • Got the hang of Git basics: handling repos, pull requests, and branches. Diving into advanced stuff like Git Flow, interactive rebasing, and automation with Git hooks. Good at pull request best practices, Git aliases, and diverse workflows.
  4. Developing Cloud Native Applications

    • Course Link
    • Learned in-depth knowledge of Cloud Native and DevOps methodologies and how to build and deploy code on the cloud through CI/CD tools. Key insights from this course encompass the hands-on creation of a Node.js application on IBM Cloud and the proficient implementation of REST APIs for efficient data storage and retrieval in a NoSQL Cloudant Database.
  5. Developing Front-End Apps with React

    • Course Link
    • Brief description and key concepts learned.
  6. Designing User Interfaces and Experiences (UI/UX)

    • Course Link
    • Brief description and key concepts learned.
  7. Intermediate Web and Front-End Development

    • Course Link
    • Brief description and key concepts learned.
  8. Front-End Development Capstone Project

    • Course Link
    • Brief description and key concepts learned.


  1. Project 1: Budget Allocation App with React

  2. Project 2: Interactive Sales App

  3. Project 3: Interest Rate Calculator

  4. Project 4: ToDoList App with React

Technologies Covered

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Git/GitHub
  • IBM Cloud

How to Run the Projects

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the specific project folder: cd Project1 (replace with the actual project folder name)
  3. Follow the instructions in the project's README file to set up and run the project.

Reflections and Notes

Include any reflections on your learning journey, challenges faced, and lessons learned. This section adds a personal touch to your repository.


Feel free to explore individual course and project folders for more details!