
A simple API for editting Google Spreadsheets via ClientLogin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node - Edit Google Spreadsheet

A simple API for reading and writing to Google Spreadsheets

NPM version


npm install edit-google-spreadsheet

Basic Usage

Create sheet with client login:

  var Spreadsheet = require('edit-google-spreadsheet');

    debug: true,
    username: '...',
    password: '...',
    spreadsheetName: 'node-edit-spreadsheet',
    worksheetName: 'Sheet1',
    callback: sheetReady

Note: Using the options spreadsheetName and worksheetName will cause lookups for spreadsheetId and worksheetId. Use spreadsheetId and worksheetId for improved performance.

Create sheet with OAuth:

  var Spreadsheet = require('edit-google-spreadsheet');

    debug: true,
    oauth : {
      email: 'some-id@developer.gserviceaccount.com',
      keyFile: 'private-key.pem'
    spreadsheetName: 'node-edit-spreadsheet',
    worksheetName: 'Sheet1',
    callback: sheetReady

Create sheet with an Access Token:

  var Spreadsheet = require('edit-google-spreadsheet');

    debug: true,
    accessToken : {
        type: 'Bearer',
        token: 'some_oauth_generated_access_token'
    spreadsheetName: 'node-edit-spreadsheet',
    worksheetName: 'Sheet1',
    callback: sheetReady

Update sheet:

  function sheetReady(err, spreadsheet) {
    if(err) throw err;

    spreadsheet.add({ 3: { 5: "hello!" } });

    spreadsheet.send(function(err) {
      if(err) throw err;
      console.log("Updated Cell at row 3, column 5 to 'hello!'");

Read sheet:

  function sheetReady(err, spreadsheet) {
    if(err) throw err;

    spreadsheet.receive(function(err, rows, info) {
      if(err) throw err;
      console.log("Found rows:", rows);
      // Found rows: { '3': { '5': 'hello!' } }



Get metadata

  function sheetReady(err, spreadsheet) {
    if(err) throw err;
    spreadsheet.metadata(function(err, metadata){
      if(err) throw err;
      // { title: 'Sheet3', rowCount: '100', colCount: '20', updated: [Date] }

Set metadata

  function sheetReady(err, spreadsheet) {
    if(err) throw err;
      title: 'Sheet2'
      rowCount: 100,
      colCount: 20
    }, function(err, metadata){
      if(err) throw err;

WARNING: all cells outside the range of the new size will be silently deleted

More add Examples

Batch edit:


Batch edit starting from row 5:

  5: [[1,2,3],

Batch edit starting from row 5, column 7:

  5: {
    7: [[1,2,3],

Formula building with named cell references:

  3: {
    4: { name: "a", val: 42 }, //'42' though tagged as "a"
    5: { name: "b", val: 21 }, //'21' though tagged as "b"
    6: "={{ a }}+{{ b }}"      //forumla adding row3,col4 with row3,col5 => '=D3+E3'

Note: cell a and b are looked up on send()


Spreadsheet.create( options )

See Options below

spreadsheet.add( obj | array )

Add cells to the batch. See examples.

spreadsheet.send( [options,] callback( err ) )

Sends off the batch of add()ed cells. Clears all cells once complete.

options.autoSize When required, increase the worksheet size (rows and columns) in order to fit the batch (default false).

spreadsheet.receive( callback( err , rows , info ) )

Recieves the entire spreadsheet. The rows object is an object in the same format as the cells you add(), so add(rows) will be valid. The info object looks like:

  spreadsheetId: 'ttFmrFPIipJimDQYSFyhwTg',
  worksheetId: 'od6',
  worksheetTitle: 'Sheet1',
  worksheetUpdated: '2013-05-31T11:38:11.116Z',
  authors: [ { name: 'jpillora', email: 'dev@jpillora.com' } ],
  totalCells: 1,
  totalRows: 1,
  lastRow: 3,
  nextRow: 4
spreadsheet.metadata( [data, ] callback )

Get and set metadata

Note: when setting new metadata, if rowCount and/or colCount is left out, an extra request will be made to retrieve the missing data.



Function returning the authenticated Spreadsheet instance.


If true, will display colourful console logs outputing current actions.

username password

Google account - Be careful about committing these to public repos.


OAuth configuration object. See google-oauth-jwt. By default oauth.scopes is set to ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds'] (https if useHTTPS)

spreadSheetName spreadsheetId

The spreadsheet you wish to edit. Either the Name or Id is required.

workSheetName worksheetId

The worksheet you wish to edit. Either the Name or Id is required.


Whether to use https when connecting to Google (default: true)


  • Create New Spreadsheets
  • Read specific range of cells
  • Option to cache auth token in file


  • Q: How do I append rows to my spreadsheet ?
  • A: Using the info object returned from receive(), one could always begin add()ing at the nextRow, thereby appending to the spreadsheet.


Thanks to googleclientlogin for easy Google API ClientLogin Tokens
