
JobHunt is an open-source job board platform that enables employers to post job listings and job seekers to search and apply for jobs. The platform is built using Express.js and GraphQL, making it efficient and flexible for managing job-related interactions.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

JobHunt - Open Source Job Board Platform in TypeScript

JobHunt is an open-source job board platform that enables employers to post job listings and job seekers to search and apply for jobs. The platform is built using Express.js and GraphQL, making it efficient and flexible for managing job-related interactions. This repository contains the source code for JobHunt, and we welcome contributions from the community to enhance its features and capabilities.


  • Employer Dashboard: Employers can easily create accounts, log in, and post job listings.
  • Job Seeker Profile: Job seekers can create profiles, search for jobs, and apply using their profiles.
  • Job Listings: Display job with detailed descriptions, requirements, and application instructions.
  • Application Tracking: Employers can track and manage job applications through the dashboard.
  • GraphQL API: Utilize a powerful GraphQL API for seamless job listing retrieval and user interactions.
  • Open Source: JobHunt is open source, allowing you to customize and contribute to its development.
  • Refresh Token: JobHunt is featured by refresh token to enhance user experience.


Follow these steps to set up and run JobHunt locally on your machine:

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/BaseMax/JobHuntTS.git

Navigate to the project directory:

cd JobHuntTS

Install dependencies:

npm install

Configure environment variables:

Rename .env.example to .env and fill in your environment variables.

Run the development server:

npm run dev

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:4000 to access JobHunt.


Type Name Description Example
Mutation createJob Create a new job . create job
Query getJobs Get a list of all available jobs. get list of jobs
Query getJobById Get details of a specific job by its ID. get job by id
Query getJobByTitle Search for jobs by title. get job by title
Query getJobByCategory Filter jobs by category. get jobs by category
Query getFeaturedJobs Get a list of featured job listings. get featured jobs
Query getUserApplications Get user applications... get user applications
Mutation updateJob Update details of an existing job . update job
Mutation deleteJob delete an existing job . delete job
Mutation applyForJob Apply for a job using user's profile. apply for job
Mutation withdrawApplication Withdraw a job application by its ID. withdraw application
Mutation acceptApplication Accept a job application for a job update job status
Mutation rejectApplication Reject a job application for a job. reject application
Mutation signUp Create a new user profile. sign up
Query getApplications Get all job applications for a job listing. get applications
Mutation updateUserProfile Update user profile update user profile
Mutation deleteUserProfile Delete a user profile by its ID. delete user profile
Query getUserProfiles Get a list of all registered users. get user profiles
Query getCategories Get a list of all available job categories. get categories
Mutation createCategory Create a new job category. create category
Mutation updateCategory Update a job category's details. update category
Mutation deleteCategory Delete a job category by its ID. delete category
Query getSimilarJobs Get a list of jobs similar to a given job. get similar jobs
Query getRecentJobs Get a list of recently posted job listings. get recent jobs
Query getJobCountByCategory Get the number of jobs in a specific category. get job count by category
Mutation addBookmark Add a job to a user's bookmarks. add book mark
Mutation removeBookmark Remove a job from a user's bookmarks. remove job from book marks
Query getBookmarkedJobs Get a list of jobs bookmarked by a user. get booked mark jobs
Query getUserBookmarkCount Get the number of bookmarks for a user. get booked mark jobs
Mutation createReview Create a review for a specific a job. create review
Mutation updateReview Update a review's content or rating. update review
Mutation deleteReview Delete a review by its ID. delete review
Query getReviewsForJob Get all reviews for a specific job . get reviews for job
Query getTopCategories Get the most popular job categories. get top categories
Query getJobsWithApplications Get a job and count of associated applications. get count of applications
Query getOpenApplications Get a list of open job applications. get open applications

GraphQL Schema

type Job {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  company: String!
  category: String!
  salary: Float
  description: String!
  requirements: [String]
  location: String
  featured: Boolean
  applications: [Application]
  reviews: [Review]

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  email: String!


type Application {
  id: ID!
  user: User!
  job: Job!
  status: String!
  createdDate: String!

type Review {
  id: ID!
  user: User!
  job: Job!
  rating: Int!
  content: String!

type Category {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  jobs: [Job]

type Bookmark {
  id: ID!
  user: User!
  job: Job!

type JobCountByCategory {
  category: String!
  count: Int!

type CategoryWithJobCount {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  jobCount: Int!

type ApplicationWithStatus {
  id: ID!
  user: User!
  job: Job!
  status: String!

type JobWithApplications {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  applicationCount: Int!

type ApplicationStatus {
  status: String!
  count: Int!

type ReviewWithAuthor {
  id: ID!
  rating: Int!
  content: String!


type UserWithBookmarks {
  id: ID!
  username: String!
  bookmarkCount: Int!

type Query {
  getJobs: [Job]
  getJobById(id: ID!): Job
  getJobByTitle(title: String!): [Job]
  getJobByCategory(category: String!): [Job]
  getFeaturedJobs: [Job]
  getUserProfile(username: String!): User
  getUserApplications(userID: ID!): [Application]
  getCategories: [Category]
  getUsers: [User]
  getApplications(jobID: ID!): [Application]
  getSimilarJobs(jobID: ID!): [Job]
  getRecentJobs: [Job]
  getJobCountByCategory(category: String!): Int
  getBookmarkedJobs(userID: ID!): [Job]
  getReviewsForJob(jobID: ID!): [Review]
  getTopCategories(limit: Int!): [CategoryWithJobCount]
  getUserBookmarkCount(userID: ID!): Int
  getJobsWithApplications: [JobWithApplications]
  getOpenApplications: [ApplicationWithStatus]
  getReviewFeedbackByID(id: ID!): ReviewFeedback
  getReviewFeedbackForReview(reviewID: ID!): [ReviewFeedback]
  getReviewByID(id: ID!): Review
  getReviewByRating(rating: Int!): [Review]
  getReviewByAuthor(userID: ID!): [Review]
  getCategoryByID(id: ID!): Category
  getCategoryByName(name: String!): Category
  getCategoriesWithJobs: [CategoryWithJobCount]
  getJobsWithCategories: [JobWithCategories]
  getUsersWithReviews: [UserWithReviews]
  getReviewsWithFeedback: [ReviewWithAuthor]
  getUsersWithApplicationsAndBookmarks: [UserWithBookmarks]
  getApplicationsWithUserAndJob: [ApplicationWithStatus]

type Mutation {
  createJobListing(input: CreateJobInput!): Job
  updateJobListing(id: ID!, input: UpdateJobInput!): Job
  deleteJobListing(id: ID!): Job
  applyForJob(jobID: ID!, userID: ID!): Application
  withdrawApplication(applicationID: ID!): Application
  createUserProfile(input: CreateUserInput!): User
  updateUserProfile(userID: ID!, input: UpdateUserInput!): User
  deleteUserProfile(userID: ID!): User
  acceptApplication(applicationID: ID!): Application
  rejectApplication(applicationID: ID!): Application
  createCategory(name: String!): Category
  updateCategory(id: ID!, name: String!): Category
  deleteCategory(id: ID!): Category
  addBookmark(userID: ID!, jobID: ID!): Bookmark
  removeBookmark(userID: ID!, jobID: ID!): Bookmark
  createReview(jobID: ID!, userID: ID!, rating: Int!, content: String!): Review
  updateReview(reviewID: ID!, content: String!): Review
  deleteReview(reviewID: ID!): Review
  createApplication(userID: ID!, jobID: ID!): Application
    applicationID: ID!
    input: UpdateApplicationInput!
  ): Application
  deleteApplication(applicationID: ID!): Application
  updateApplicationStatus(applicationID: ID!, status: String!): Application
    reviewID: ID!
    userID: ID!
    helpful: Boolean!
  ): ReviewFeedback
  updateReviewFeedback(id: ID!, helpful: Boolean!): ReviewFeedback
  deleteReviewFeedback(id: ID!): ReviewFeedback
  createBookmark(userID: ID!, jobID: ID!): Bookmark
  deleteBookmark(id: ID!): Bookmark

input CreateJobInput {
  title: String!
  company: String!
  category: String!
  salary: Float
  description: String!
  requirements: [String]
  location: String
  featured: Boolean

input UpdateJobInput {
  title: String
  company: String
  category: String
  salary: Float
  description: String
  requirements: [String]
  location: String
  featured: Boolean

input CreateUserInput {
  name: String!
  email: String!

input UpdateUserInput {
  name: String
  email: String

input UpdateApplicationInput {
  status: String


We encourage contributions from the open-source community to make JobHunt even better. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b <feature-name>
  • Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
  • Push your changes to your forked repository.
  • Create a pull request (PR) to the main branch of the JobHunt repository.

Feedback and Support

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue. For general inquiries and discussions, join our community Discord server.


JobHunt is open-source software released under the GPL-3.0 License.

Copyright 2023, Max Base