
Welcome to the Joke Service RESTful API! This API allows you to manage a collection of jokes, including adding new jokes, editing existing jokes, deleting jokes, rating jokes, and retrieving a list of all jokes with pagination and sorting options.

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Joke Go Service API

Welcome to the Joke Service RESTful API! This API allows you to manage a collection of jokes, including adding new jokes, editing existing jokes, deleting jokes, rating jokes, and retrieving a list of all jokes with pagination and sorting options.


  • Register user: POST /register

This endpoint register user and retrieve JWT token.

  • Login user: POST /login

This endpoint login user and retrieve JWT token.

  • Refresh token: POST /refresh

This endpoint refresh user JWT token and retrieve new token.

  • Get a Single Joke: GET /jokes/{joke_id}

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific joke by its ID.

  • Search for Jokes: GET /jokes/search?query={search_query}

This endpoint enables searching for jokes based on a search query. It returns a list of jokes that match the search query.

  • Get Random Joke: GET /jokes/random

This endpoint retrieves a random joke from the collection.

  • Get Top Rated Jokes: GET /jokes/top-rated?limit={limit}

This endpoint returns a list of the top-rated jokes, sorted by the highest rating. The limit parameter specifies the maximum number of jokes to retrieve.

  • Get Jokes by Author: GET /jokes/authors/{author_name}

This endpoint retrieves a list of jokes by a specific author. It returns all jokes authored by the given author name.

  • Add a Comment to a Joke: POST /jokes/{joke_id}/comments

This endpoint allows users to add a new comment to a specific joke.

  • Edit a Comment: PUT /jokes/{joke_id}/comments/{comment_id}

This endpoint allows users to edit a comment on a specific joke.

  • Delete a Comment: DELETE /jokes/{joke_id}/comments/{comment_id}

This endpoint allows users to delete a comment from a specific joke.

  • Get All Comments of a Joke: GET /jokes/{joke_id}/comments

This endpoint retrieves all comments associated with a specific joke.

API Endpoints

Register user

POST /register

This endpoint register user and retrieve JWT token.


  "username": "username",
  "password": "password"


  "bearer": "JWT token"

Login user

POST /login

This endpoint login user and retrieve JWT token.


  "username": "username",
  "password": "password"


  "bearer": "JWT token"

Refresh token

POST /refresh

This endpoint refresh user JWT token and retrieve new token.


  "username": "username",
  "password": "password"


  "bearer": "JWT token"

Add a New Joke

POST /jokes

This endpoint allows you to add a new joke to the collection.


  "content": "The joke content goes here",
  "author": "Author Name"


  "id": "unique_joke_id",
  "content": "The joke content goes here",
  "author": "Author Name",
  "rating": 0

Edit a Joke

PUT /jokes/{joke_id}

This endpoint allows you to edit an existing joke.


  "content": "Updated joke content",
  "author": "Updated Author Name"


  "id": "unique_joke_id",
  "content": "Updated joke content",
  "author": "Updated Author Name",
  "rating": 0

Delete a Joke

DELETE /jokes/{joke_id}

This endpoint allows you to delete a joke from the collection.


204 No Content

Rate a Joke

POST /jokes/{joke_id}/rating

This endpoint allows you to rate a joke on a scale of 1 to 5.


  "rating": 4


  "id": "unique_joke_id",
  "content": "The joke content goes here",
  "author": "Author Name",
  "rating": 4

Get a Single Joke

GET /jokes/{joke_id}

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific joke by its ID.


  "id": "unique_joke_id",
  "content": "The joke content goes here",
  "author": "Author Name",
  "rating": 0

Get a List of Jokes

GET /jokes?limit={limit}&page={page}&sort={sort_order}

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of jokes with optional sorting.


  • limit (optional, default: 10): The maximum number of jokes to return per page.
  • page (optional, default: 1): The page number to retrieve.
  • sort (optional, default: "latest"): The sort order for the jokes. Possible values are "latest" (newest first) and "rating" (highest rating first).


  "total": 100,
  "page": 1,
  "limit": 10,
  "sort": "latest",
  "jokes": [
      "id": "unique_joke_id",
      "content": "The joke content goes here",
      "author": "Author Name",
      "rating": 4
    // More jokes...


The API supports pagination to retrieve jokes in chunks. You can control the number of jokes per page using the limit parameter and navigate through pages using the page parameter.


The API provides sorting options to order the list of jokes. Use the sort parameter with the values "latest" to sort by the newest first or "rating" to sort by the highest rating first.

Get Random Joke

GET /jokes/random

This endpoint retrieves a random joke from the collection.


  "id": "unique_joke_id",
  "content": "The joke content goes here",
  "author": "Author Name",
  "rating": 0

Get Top Rated Jokes

GET /jokes/top-rated?limit={limit}

This endpoint returns a list of the top-rated jokes, sorted by the highest rating. The limit parameter specifies the maximum number of jokes to retrieve.


  "limit": 10,
  "jokes": [
      "id": "unique_joke_id",
      "content": "The joke content goes here",
      "author": "Author Name",
      "rating": 4
    // More jokes...

Get Jokes by Author

GET /jokes/authors/{author_name}?limit={limit}&page={page}&sort={sort_order}

This endpoint retrieves a list of jokes by a specific author. It returns all jokes authored by the given author name.


  "total": 100,
  "page": 1,
  "limit": 10,
  "sort": "latest",
  "jokes": [
      "id": "unique_joke_id",
      "content": "The joke content goes here",
      "author": "Author Name",
      "rating": 4
    // More jokes...

Add a new comment

POST /jokes/{joke_id}/comments

This endpoint allows users to add a new comment to a specific joke.


  "content": "Comment content"


  "id": "unique_comment_id",
  "content": "Comment content",
  "author": "Author name"

Edit a Comment

PUT /jokes/{joke_id}/comments/{comment_id}

This endpoint allows users to edit a comment on a specific joke.


  "content": "Updated comment content",
  "author": "Updated author name"


  "id": "unique_comment_id",
  "content": "Updated comment content",
  "author": "Updated author name"

Delete a Comment

DELETE /jokes/{joke_id}/comments/{comment_id}

This endpoint allows users to delete a comment from a specific joke.


204 No Content

Get All Comments of a Joke

GET /jokes/{joke_id}/comments

This endpoint retrieves all comments associated with a specific joke.


  "total": 20,
  "comments": [
      "id": "unique_comment_id",
      "content": "Comment Content",
      "author": "Author Name"
    // More comments...

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