An ES6/ES2015 Tagged String Literal tag that can interpolate Node.JS streams, strings and Promises that return either (or arrays of any of those) and produces a Node.JS stream. This allows you to join several Streams together with bits in between without having to buffer anything.
Written by Thomas Parslow ( and for IORad ( and released with their kind permission.
Warning: will only run on newer versions of Node.JS (tested on 4.0.0 and above)
npm install --save stream-template
var ST = require('stream-template');
let data1 = fs.createReadStream('data1.txt');
let data2 = fs.createReadStream('data2.txt');
let output = ST`<html>
1: <pre>${data1}</pre>
2: <pre>${data2}</pre>
Can also accept arrays (items are concatenated, array items can be any of the supported types):
var ST = require('stream-template');
let data = [fs.createReadStream('part1.txt'), fs.createReadStream('part2.txt')];
let output = ST`Data follows: ${data}`;
And also Promises:
var ST = require('./stream-template');
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
var email = fetch('')
.then(r => r.json())
.then((profile) => {
let output = ST`<a href="mailto:${email}">Email</a>`;
And of course regular strings work:
let output = ST`Hello by name is ${name}`;
I've shown each used seperated but you can do it all mixed together as well.
By default strings are encoded as utf-8, you can change the encoding like this:
var ST = require('stream-template').encoding('utf16le');
Note that buffers and other streams are passed through as-is, the encoding only effects the template strings and interpolated strings.
Fixed or improved stuff? Great! Send me a pull request through GitHub or get in touch on Twitter @almostobsolete or email at