NurtureWild Website

Welcome to the NurtureWild website project, a simple website created to support the charitable organization NurtureWild. This project showcases a stage early in my learning journey as a web developer. The website is designed using HTML and CSS, and it represents my initial steps in web development.

About the Project

  • Objective: The objective of this project was to create a basic website for NurtureWild, a charitable organization dedicated to connecting people with nature and supporting mental health and well-being.

  • Technology Used: This website is primarily built using HTML and CSS, making it a minimalistic and straightforward representation of web development skills.

About NurtureWild

NurtureWild is a Community Interest Company (CIC) established in November 2021 in response to the growing need to link people to nature and address mental health and well-being challenges. The organization's mission is to facilitate connections to the natural world, share land skills and heritage crafts, and integrate well-being practices.

Website Features

  • Static Content: The website provides static information about NurtureWild, its mission, and its focus areas.

  • Simple Design: The design of the website is minimalistic, reflecting the early stage of the developer's learning journey.

  • Contact Information: Users can find contact information for NurtureWild to get in touch with the organization.


This website project is a representation of early learning and development in web design and development. While the project may not be actively maintained, contributions and suggestions are always welcome. If you have ideas for improvements or enhancements, please feel free to share them.


If you have any questions or feedback about the website, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for visiting the NurtureWild website project. Your support is appreciated.