

laravel package for CashPay payment getway install the package composer require alsharie/cashpay-payment

You can publish using the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alsharie\CashPayPayment\CashPayServiceProvider"

When published, the config/cashPay.php config file contains:

return [
    'auth' => [
        'UserName' => env('CASHPAY_MERCHANT_USERNAME'),
        'SpId' => env('CASHPAY_MERCHANT_SPID'),
        'encPassword' => env('CASHPAY_MERCHANT_ENCPASSWORD'),
    'cert' => [
        'path' => env('CASHPAY_CERT_PATH'),
        'password' => env('CASHPAY_CERT_PASSWORD'),
    'url' => [
        'base' => env('CASHPAY_BASE_URL', ''),

when you are ready to release your application, you should set the CASHPAY_BASE_URL to release-url and they give you a certificate file and password to use it in CASHPAY_CERT_PATH and CASHPAY_CERT_PASSWORD respectively

To purchase using CashPay payment

1. Purchase

 $cashPay = new CashPay();
 $response = $cashPay
    ->setRequestId(/*request id*/) //Request unique identifier that should be generated by sp
    ->setCustomerPhone(/*phone */) // TargetMSISDN

 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $tran_ref = $response->getTransactionRef();

2. Confirm purchase

 $cashPay = new CashPay();
$response = $cashPay
    ->setRequestId(/*request id*/) //Request unique identifier that should be generated by sp
    ->setOtp(/*otp */) // customer otp
    ->setTransactionRef(/*tran ref*/) //Transaction Code returned in InitPayment response
 if ($response->isSuccess()) {
    $code = $response->code();

you can get the full response body using $response->body() for all requests