
List of datasets, codes, researchers, and contests related to remote sensing change detection

Awesome Remote Sensing Change Detection Awesome

List of datasets, codes, researchers and contests related to remote sensing change detection.

1 Dateset

1.1 Multispectral

  • 2019.Wuhan multi-temperature scene (MtS-WH) Dataset
    The dataset is mainly used for theoretical research and verification of scene change detection methods. It consists of two large-size VHR images, which have a size of 7200x6000 and are respectively acquired by IKONOS sensors in Feb, 2002 and Jun, 2009. The images cover the Hanyang District, Wuhan City, China and contain 4 spectral bands (Blue, Green, Red and Near-Infrared). The spatial resolution of the images is 1m after fusion of the pan and multispectral images by the Gram–Schmidt algorithm.

  • 2018.Lebedev M A, Vizilter Y V, Vygolov O V, et al. Change detection in remote sensing images using conditional adversarial networks
    This dataset has three types: synthetic images without objects relative shift,synthetic images with small relative shift of objects,real season-varying remote sensing images(obtained by Google Earth).The real season-varying remote sensing images have 16000 image sets with image size 256x256 pixels(10000 train sets and 3000 test and validation sets) and a spatial resolution of 3 to 100 cm/px.

  • 2018.Onera Satellite Change Detection Dataset
    This dataset addresses the issue of detecting changes between satellite images from different dates. It comprises 24 pairs of multispectral images taken from the Sentinel-2 satellites between 2015 and 2018. Locations are picked all over the world, in Brazil, USA, Europe, Middle-East and Asia. For each location, registered pairs of 13-band multispectral satellite images obtained by the Sentinel-2 satellites are provided. Images vary in spatial resolution between 10m, 20m and 60m.

  • 2011.The Aerial Imagery Change Detection (AICD) dataset
    This dataset contains synthetic aerial images with artificial changes generated with a rendering engine. It contains 1000 pairs of 800x600 images, each pair consisting of one reference image and one test image, and the 1000 corresponding 800x600 ground truth masks.

  • 2008.SZTAKI AirChange Benchmark set
    This dataset contains 13 aerial image pairs of size 952x640 and resolution 1.5m/pixel and binary change masks (drawn by hand).Each record constains a pair of preliminary registered input images and a mask of the 'relevant' changes. The input images are taken with 5, 7 resp. 23 years time differences. During the generation of the change mask, we have considered the following differences as relevant changes: (a) new built-up regions (b) building operations (c) planting of large group of trees (d) fresh plough-land (e) groundwork before building over. Note that the ground truth does NOT contain change classification, only binary change-no change decision for each pixel.
    Note: This maybe the most frequently used dataset in the paper.

  • WUDA-RS-Img (Wuhan University Datasets of Annotated Remote Sensing Images)
    The dataset about change detection will be released in the future.

  • Planet Disaster Datasets
    Planet will make PlanetScope imagery available to the public during a select disaster events.

  • DigitalGlobe's Open Data Program
    DigitalGlobe will release open imagery (worldview-3 or other) for select sudden onset major crisis events, including pre-event imagery, post-event imagery and a crowdsourced damage assessment.

  • French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN),BD ORTHO
    The datasets are mosaics of aerial images taken by the French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN). They come from a database named BD ORTHO which contains orthorectified aerial images of several regions of France from different years at a resolution of 20 cm or 50 cm per pixel.

    The New Zealand Land Information Services website provides multi-temporal aerial images of some New Zealand cities, all of which have a resolution of over 1m.

  • USGS EarthExplorer
    A epic level database, which can provide multi-temporal,multi-sensor and multi-resolution data.

1.2 Hyperspectral

  • 2018.Hyperspectral Change Detection Dataset
    This dataset can be used to perform change detection techniques in multi-temporal hyperspectral images. It includes two different hyperspectral scenes from the AVIRIS sensor:The Santa Barbara scene, taken on the years 2013 and 2014 with the AVIRIS sensor over the Santa Barbara region (California) whose spatial dimensions are 984 x 740 pixels and includes 224 spectral bands.The Bay Area scene, taken on the years 2013 and 2015 with the AVIRIS sensor surrounding the city of Patterson (California) whose spatial dimensions are 600 x 500 pixels and includes 224 spectral bands. It also includes a hyperspectral scene from the HYPERION sensor:The Hermiston city scene, taken on the years 2004 and 2007 with the HYPERION sensor over the Hermiston City area (Oregon) whose spatial dimensions are 390 x 200 pixels and includes 242 spectral bands. 5 types of changes related with crop transitions are identified in this scene.

  • 2018.Wang Q, Yuan Z, Du Q, et al. GETNET: A general end-to-end 2-D CNN framework for hyperspectral image change detection
    This dataset has two hyperspectral images, which were acquired at May 3, 2013, and December 31, 2013, respectively in Jiangsu province, China. It has a size of 463×241 pixels, with 198 bands available after noisy band removal. In ground-truth map, white pixels represent changed portions and black pixels mean unchanged parts.

1.3 CV

2 Code

2.1 Multispectral

2.1.1 Traditional Method

2.1.2 Deep Learning

2.2 SAR

3 Researcher

3.1 Team

University of Trento

Wuhan University

Xidian University

University of Connecticut


  • xView 2 Building Damage Asessment Challenge (DIUx, Nov 2019)
    550k building footprints & 4 damage scale categories, 20 global locations and 7 disaster types (wildfire, landslides, dam collapses, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes/tsunamis, wind, flooding), Worldview-3 imagery (0.3m res.), pre-trained baseline model. Paper: Gupta et al. 2019

  • 遥感图像稀疏表征与智能分析竞赛-变化检测赛道 (Wuhan University,et al. Jul 2019)

  • 广东政务数据创新大赛—智能算法赛 (Alibaba,et al. Nov 2017)
