
Opencv complete mini tasks

Primary LanguagePython


Opencv complete mini tasks

To run the code provided, i reccomend use the software i did. Windows 10, pycharm IDE (from jetbrains -its free for college students-), install these packages (within the IDE): argapse, cycler, future, imutils, kiwisolver, matplotlib, numpy, opencv-contrib-python, opencv-python, pip, pyparsing, python-dateutil, pytz, setuptools, six.

It always helps looking on a WELL DONE tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29vWJ1c9LX8&index=1&list=PL6Yc5OUgcoTmTGACTa__vnifNA744Cz-q that uses the same ide as me. (pycharm)

FAQ: Can i use python 3.xx.xx? Yes You can use python 3.xx.xx

Do i need a good camera? No you can feed opencv with already saved videos.

Face recognition? start studying https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_tutorials.html