
an online e-banking application

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


an online e-banking application

Steps one needs to follow to reproduce the project:

#On Ubuntu, usind xampp:

-Download or clone the project. If downloaded, you need to extract it.

-If xampp is not installed, you will need to install it. ============================XAMPP START //once you install xampp, Will be installed in opt/lampp

//The location you need to save your files to run the web-app (you can add other folders with your project name inside there): /opt/lampp/htdocs/projects

//To start xampp, use this command: $ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

//The url you need to open to run the files saved in /projects folder: http://localhost/projects/nameOfFile.FileExtension

//you also need net tools in order to make xampp run sudo apt install net-tools

//in order to uninstall it: cd /opt/lampp sudo ./uninstall //and then sudo rm -r /opt/lampp ============================XAMPP END

-Open nautilus. run: $ sudo nautilus

-Copy the files from e-banking-master to /opt/lampp/htdocs/projects . If the projects file is not there, you may create it.

-Run xampp using this command: $ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start (you should see task starting correctly)

-go to a drowser, paste: http://localhost/projects/e-banking/login_page.php Note that i placed my poject inside a new folder 'e-banking'. If ours is different, you may change the directory.

-You should see the webpage now, it has a green background and asks you to register or sign in, but your database is not yet set up. Lets set up the database (the place where your files will be stored online)

-Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

-On the left, click "new", paste this database name: ebanking , and click "create"

-Click the "SQL" tab. Paste these lines, to create our necesary tables:

create table users (
	id int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    email varchar(48) not null,
    nickname varchar(30) not null,
    password varchar(48) not null

create table funds (
	id int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    bank int(9) not null,
    card int(9) not null

create table transactions (
	sender int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY,
    receiver int(9) not null,
    date varchar(10) not null,
    view boolean not null

-Click "Go", on bottom left. Your database is now complete. Time to fill it up.

-Go back to the webpage, http://localhost/projects/e-banking/login_page.php [Or your own link, directing to the login_page]

-Sign up, enjoy the app

#On Windows:

-Download or clone the project. If downloaded, you need to extract it.

-Install and run xampp, run apache and mysql server from xampp.

-Install an ide to run the webpage. For example you can use phpstorm, from jetbrains.

-Configure phpstorm with xampp

-load the webpage files on the ide (phpstorm)

-Click to run the project [the login_page.php]

-You should see the webpage now, it has a green background and asks you to register or sign in, but your database is not yet set up. Lets set up the database (the place where your files will be stored online)

-Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

-On the left, click "new", paste this database name: ebanking , and click "create"

-Click the "SQL" tab. Paste these lines, to create our necesary tables:

create table users (
	id int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    email varchar(48) not null,
    nickname varchar(30) not null,
    password varchar(48) not null

create table funds (
	id int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    bank int(9) not null,
    card int(9) not null

create table transactions (
	sender int(9) not null PRIMARY KEY,
    receiver int(9) not null,
    date varchar(10) not null,
    view boolean not null

-Click "Go", on bottom left. Your database is now complete. Time to fill it up.

-This is how your db should look after setting it up: db.jpg

-Go back to the webpage, http://localhost/projects/e-banking/login_page.php [Or your own link, directing to the login_page]

-Sign up, enjoy the app

