Golang Tutorial

GoLang Fundamentals (fundamentals)

  • GoLang for Backend Development: Advantages and Use Cases
  • Setting Up Your GoLang Development Environment
  • Core GoLang Concepts: Variables, Data Types, Operators, Control Flow, Functions
  • Important concepts -- Concurrency -- Channels -- Async processes

Building Blocks for Web Applications (webapp)

  • Introduction to Web Development with GoLang: HTTP Requests & Responses -- Development with Gin framework
  • Routing: Defining Endpoints and Handling Requests
  • Working with Databases: Choosing and Using a Database (SQL vs. NoSQL)
  • Connecting to your database -- Working with ORMs -- Writting raw sql queries

Data Management and Security (security)

  • Building CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • User Authentication and Authorization: Securing Your Application -- Password Hashing (securely storing passwords) -- Error Handling: Gracefully Handling Errors in Web Applications

Advanced Web Development Techniques (techniques)

  • Templates: Building Dynamic User Interfaces
  • Working with Data Formats: JSON and Beyond (handling data exchange)
  • Session Management (maintaining user state)
  • cookies

Heirarchical RBAC implementation in Golang (h-rbac)

User Interaction and Communication (comms)

  • Forms: Processing User Input and Handling Submissions
  • WebSockets: Enabling Real-time Communication

GoLang Web Development Ecosystem (ecosystem)

  • Dependency Management with Go Modules (managing external libraries)

Building Robust Web Applications (robust)

  • Middleware: Interceptors for Request Processing (common tasks and custom functionality)
  • Testing Your Backend Web Application: Unit and Integration Tests -- Mocking Dependencies for Effective Testing

Scaling and Performance Optimization (optimization)

  • Caching Strategies for Improved Response Times
    • In-memory
    • Distributed
    • File-based
    • CDN
  • Logging and Monitoring: Tracking Application Behavior
    • Stucuted logging with Zap
    • App metrics with Prometheus
    • Distrubuted tracing with Jaeger
    • Log aggregation with ELK stack
    • Alerting and notification with Prometheus Alertmanager

Advanced Security Practices (advanced-practices)

  • Input Validation: Sanitizing User Input to Prevent Attacks

    • SQL injection
    • Cross-site scripting XSS
    • Remote code execution RCE
    • Path traversal
    • Command injection


    1. User input sanitization and validation a. Whitelisting and Blacklisting b. Regular expressions c. Third-party libraries
    2. Context-aware prevention a. SQL injection prevention b. XSS prevention c. RCE prevention
  • SQL Injection Prevention: Protecting Your Database

Deployment Strategies (deployment)