Priceline Booking Example

This example repository shows how to create the following Basis Theory Resources using Terraform:

  1. Reactor to call the Marqeta API for retrieving the card, and pass it to Priceline API
  2. Server-side API Key with access to invoke the Reactor
    title Booking Reactor Sequence
    participant ybe as Your Backend
    participant btr as Basis Theory Reactor
    participant mapi as Marqeta API
    participant papi as Priceline API
    activate ybe
    ybe ->>+ btr: invoke(cardToken, bookingInfo)
    btr -->> ybe: OK
    deactivate ybe
    btr ->>+ mapi: getCardInfo(cardToken)
    mapi -->>- btr: cardInfo
    btr ->>+ papi: flightBook(cardInfo, bookingInfo)
    Note right of papi: One eternity later...
    papi -->>- btr: airflightBook
    btr --)- ybe: webhook(airflightBook)
    activate ybe
    deactivate ybe


Create a new terraform.tfvars file based off terraform.tfvars.example, replace the necessary values.

The bt_management_api_key should have application:* and reactor:* permissions. Click here to create a new management application using the Portal.

Create resources using:

terraform apply

It should give you two outputs:

backend_application_key = <sensitive>
priceline_reactor_id = "124da2af-afef-45d3-9850-4f017dece05d"

Invoking the Reactor

Using the outputs from the previous step, invoke the Reactor asynchronously using:

curl -L '{{priceline_reactor_id}}/react' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'BT-API-KEY: {{backend_application_key}}' \
--data-raw '{
    "args": {
        "cardToken": "5880854a-0ed8-4943-9488-389bd7b4a6b8",
        "bookRequest": {
            "sid": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j10k11l12m13n14o15p16q17r18s19t20u21v22w23x24y25z26",
            "ppn_bundle": "HEC_1A2B3C4D...",
            "passenger[0][name_prefix]": "Mr.",
            "passenger[0][first_name]": "Mr.",
            "passenger[0][last_name]": "Mr.",
            "passenger[0][gender]": "M",
            "passenger[0][birthday]": "1960-01-01",
            "phone_number": "1234567891",
            "email": "",
            "address": "123 Banatyne Ave",
            "city": "Winnipeg",
            "state_code": "MB",
            "country_code": "CA",
            "postal_code": "R3E2H2",
            "cc_name": "HotelsbycityOperations",
            "cc_type": "VI",
    "callback_url": "",
    "timeout_ms": 60000

💡 Don't forget to replace 880854a-0ed8-4943-9488-389bd7b4a6b8 with the Marqeta's card token, and callback_url with your webhook API endpoint.


You can connect to Reactor's console logs using Basis Theory CLI.

bt reactors logs $priceline_reactor_id -x $bt_management_api_key

⚠️ When deploying changes using Terraform, it is necessary to reconnect to the Reactor