
'Ring of Fire' is a drinking game played frequently here in the United Kingdom. I decided to see if I could recreate that in Java.

Primary LanguageJava


This project was started and finished during my first year of university. I took concepts that we were formally taught and brought them together to create this. A java version of the popular drinking game Ring of Fire.

At the time of the project, I hadn't learned anything about GUI's and even still I'm not very confident in implementing them. Perhaps once I have researched and found more about how to implement a good GUI in Java I will come back and update the project.

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What can you do?

The game sets up a deck of cards, shuffles the deck. Before this you will have chosen a number of players to play the game. You then call the nextTurn method which will randomly select a card from the deck and then following the game rules you will play. This means that minimum game length is 4 turns and maximum is 52.