
This is my first React JS project 🤗.I used Components and props to prevent code repetition.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my first React JS project 🤗. I used Components and props to prevent code repetition.

This is my first step in the world of React JS. I will build More Generous projects using React😉

This web page is my third task in web development Course offered by Beta Academy.

📥 Install the React App

  1. download the zip folder of the project.
  2. unzip folder
  3. open terimnal
  4. cd to the folder of the project
  5. run : npm install (to download node_modules)
  6. run: npm start

🔨Built Using

Screen Shot

Website Screenshot


• The buttons in the header are links but are directed to nothing. Only the links in the footer are directed to my social media accounts.
• The counter for the no. of users in the header is calculated automatically. i.e. if a user is removed the counter is decremented by 1 automatically.

Written by: Basma Elhoseny