
Vim Project navigation made easier

Primary LanguageVim script


Vim Cartographe is a plugin aiming at simplifying the navigation in a project. Given a configuration, you'll be able to jump between file whose path is defined by common variables.

You may want to install FZF as a plugin to enable FZF splits.


I recommend using vim-plug as a plugin manager. From there, simply add

Plug 'baspar/vim-cartographe'

to your plugin list



The configuration is a nested dictionary which key can be folder (ending with /, or files).

Values can be a file type, or nested dictionary, which will be interpreted as a nested path. Cartographe is going to try to fill up intermediate paths if needed. For example:

\   'src/main/': {
\     '{NAME:pascal}/{NAME:camel}.js': 'index'
\   },
\   'src/test/': {
\     '{NAME:pascal}/{NAME:camel}.js': 'indexSpec'
\   }
\ }

Will match the files src/main/components/Layout/layout.js, and src/tests/components/Layout/layout.spec.js, and you'll be able to navigate between them, despite the components folder not mentionned in the configuration

Variables can be specified following the format {NAME} or {NAME:format}, and the available format are:

  • pascal for PascalCase
  • camel for camelCase
  • snake for SNAKE_CASE
  • kebab for kebab-case

Example configuration

let g:CartographeMap =
            \ {
            \   'src/main/components/': {
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/index.js'                       : 'index',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/stories.js'                     : 'stories',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/{NAME:pascal}.js'               : 'pure',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/styledComponents.js'            : 'styled'
            \   },
            \   'src/main/redux/': {
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/saga.js'                        : 'saga',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/reducer.js'                     : 'reducer',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/selector.js'                    : 'selector',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/api.js'                         : 'api',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/action.js'                      : 'action'
            \   },
            \   'src/test/components/': {
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/index.spec.js'                  : 'indexSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/{NAME:pascal}.spec.js'          : 'pureSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/styledComponents.spec.js'       : 'styledSpec'
            \   },
            \   'src/test/redux/': {
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/saga.spec.js'                   : 'sagaSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/reducer.spec.js'                : 'reducerSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/selector.spec.js'               : 'selectorSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/api.spec.js'                    : 'apiSpec',
            \     '{NAME:pascal}/action.spec.js'                 : 'actionSpec'
            \   },
            \   'src/test/fixtures/{NAME:camel}/{NAME:camel}.js' : 'fixtures'
            \ }


  • :CartographeNav Will open a FZF window with the list of all files. They'll appear in in white if existing, and in grey if they do not exist yet.

You select multiple file with tab, open them with enter, <C-x> or <C-v> (Vertical and horizontal split)

  • :CartographeNav pureSpec Will open the file of type pureSpec in the current window

  • :CartographeNavS pureSpec & :CartographeNavV pureSpec Will open the file of type pureSpec in a vertical/horizontal split

  • :CartographeExec !npm run test {NAME:pascal} Will run the given command after injecting file variables


Since configuration are project specific, you should either:

  • Add the configration to your repo .vimrc and to activate set exrc
  • Create a vimrc file not tracked by your VCS, and source it manually, e.g.:
     " In ~/Repo/.git/vimrc
     let g:CartographeMap = {}
     " in ~/.vimrc
     if filereadable(getcwd() . '/.git/vimrc')
         execute 'source' getcwd() . '/.git/vimrc'