
Step by step guide to becoming an AI and Data Scientist in 2024 | My Learning Map to become a Data & AI Scientist at Careem

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Step by step guide to becoming an AI and Data Scientist in 2024 | My Learning Map to become a Data & AI Scientist at Careem in 12 Months

Step Competence Substep How to Grow Expected Time Progress
1 Math Linear Algebra, Calculus, Mathematical Analysis Coursera Specialization: Mathematics for Machine Learning 1 month
Differential Calculus Coursera Course: Algebra and Differential Calculus for Data Science 2 weeks
2 Stats and Probability Statistics, CLT Coursera Course: Stanford Statistics 2 weeks
Hypothesis testing Coursera Course: Statistical Analysis - Hypothesis Testing 1 week
Probability and Sampling Coursera Course: Probability and Statistics 2 weeks
AB testing Medium Article: Practitioner's Guide to Statistical Tests 1 week
Towards Data Science Article: Step-by-Step for Planning an A/B Test 1 week
Splitmetrics Article: Minimum Detectable Effect (MDE) 2 weeks
KDD Paper: Improving the Sensitivity of Online Controlled Experiments 1 week
Exp-platform Document: Improving Sensitivity of Controlled Experiments 1 week
Booking.ai Article: How Booking.com Increases the Power of Online Experiments with CUPED 1 week
ResearchGate Paper: Improving the Sensitivity of Online Controlled Experiments 1 week
ResearchGate Paper: Improving the Sensitivity of Online Controlled Experiments - Case Studies at Netflix 1 week
DoorDash Engineering Blog: Improving Experimental Power through Control Using Predictions as Covariate (CUPAC) 2 weeks
Ratio metrics Arxiv Paper: Ratio Metrics 1 week
Stat.CMU Document: Ratio Metrics 1 week
3 Econometrics Regressions, time series, fitting distributions Book: Introductory Econometrics 2 weeks
Coursera Course: Erasmus Econometrics 2 weeks
4 Coding Algorithms and data structures (Python) LeetCode Explore Learning Paths 1 month
Coursera Specialization: Algorithms 2 weeks
SQL SQL Tutorial 2 weeks
5 EDA Data understanding, Data Analysis, Visualization Coursera Project: Exploratory Data Analysis with Python Pandas 1 week
Coursera Course: IBM Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning 1 week
Coursera Project: Exploratory Data Analysis with Seaborn 1 week
6 ML Classic ML (Supervised and Unsupervised), Advanced ML (Ensembles, NNs) ML Course Book: mlcourse.ai 2 weeks
Coursera Specialization: Machine Learning 1 month
Book: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 1 month
7 DL Fully connected NN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, Transformers, Transfer Learning Coursera Specialization: Deep Learning 1 month
Book: Deep Learning 1 month
Arxiv Paper: Attention Is All You Need (Transformer) 2 days
Blog: The Illustrated Transformer 2 days
8 MLOps Deployment models to production, Microservices, CI/CD Coursera Specialization: Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) 2 weeks