
This project is a simple and interactive English to French vocabulary quiz designed as a final project for the CS106A Stanford Code in Place course. The main goal of the project is to help users learn and practice common French vocabulary by translating a list of English words into French.

Primary LanguagePython

Final Project: English to French Vocabulary Quizzlet


Stanford Cs106A Code in Place 2024 Final Project

Code in Place is an act of community service over 900 teachers from around the world came together to 
offer a first-of-its-kind volunteer-led course called Code in Place, hosted by Stanford University. 
Code in Place was a great, uplifting, learning experience and over 10,000 students learned how to code 
in Python.


This project is an interactive English to French vocabulary quiz, designed as a final project for the CS106A Stanford Code in Place 2024 course. The objective is to create an engaging application that helps users practice and learn basic French vocabulary.


  • User Interaction: Prompts users to translate English words into French.
  • Instant Feedback: Provides immediate feedback on the user's input.
  • Score Tracking: Keeps track of correct answers and displays the total score at the end.

How It Works:

  1. Initialize Translations: The program starts by initializing a dictionary containing 25 common English words along with their French translations.
  2. User Prompts: The user is prompted to input the French translation for each given English word.
  3. Answer Checking: The user's answer is checked against the correct French translation. Feedback is provided for each response.
  4. Score Summary: At the end of the quiz, the program displays the number of correct answers out of the total number of words.

Sample Words:

The quiz includes translations for words such as "hello" (bonjour), "dog" (chien), "cat" (chat), "house" (maison), and "love" (amour), among others.


def main():
    translations = {
        "hello": "bonjour",
        "dog": "chien",
        "cat": "chat",
        "well": "bien",
        "us": "nous",
        "nothing": "rien",
        "house": "maison",
        "time": "temps",
        "car": "voiture",
        "book": "livre",
        "school": "école",
        "water": "eau",
        "food": "nourriture",
        "friend": "ami",
        "family": "famille",
        "day": "jour",
        "night": "nuit",
        "love": "amour",
        "child": "enfant",
        "work": "travail",
        "city": "ville",
        "street": "rue",
        "mountain": "montagne",
        "river": "rivière",
        "forest": "forêt",
        "star": "étoile"
    num_correct = 0
    print("Translate the following English words to French:")
    for english_word, french_word in translations.items():
        answer = input(f"{english_word}: ")
        if answer.lower() == french_word:
            num_correct += 1
            print(f"Incorrect! The correct translation is {french_word}.")
    print(f"You got {num_correct}/{len(translations)} words correct, come study again soon!")

if __name__ == '__main__':


This English to French Vocabulary Quiz is a great way to engage users in learning a new language. It offers a fun and interactive method to practice vocabulary, making the learning process enjoyable. By providing immediate feedback and tracking scores, users are encouraged to improve through repeated practice.