
Plugin that links the RCT2 palette maker tool to GIMP.

Primary LanguagePython

OpenRCT2 palette exporter plugin for GIMP

A small plugin for GIMP that links GIMP to the RCTPaletteMaker tool to easily create OpenRCT2 palettes directly from GIMP.

  • Exports BMP's with the correct bitmap color info.
  • Creates a DAT palette file with your preferred name.

Only GIMP 2.10 or higher is supported.

(Image of the export plugin in GIMP)

How to install

  1. Download GIMP-RCT2PaletteExporter.py from this repository.
  2. Paste it into the correct folder by following this guide.
  3. Restart GIMP.
  4. You can find the tool under Export -> RCT2 Palette menu item in the top bar of the program.

How to use

  1. Load a palette BMP into GIMP and edit it to your desires.
  2. Press Export -> RCT2 Palette to open the exporter.
  3. Fill in the following required fields:
    • Output folder: select a folder where the file(s) should be saved.
    • File name: select a name for your file.
      • If you want to create a palette DAT file as well, the filename cannot be longer than 8 characters.
    • Create DAT file:: select yes or no on whether you want to create the DAT file.
  4. Fill in the following fields only if Create DAT file is set to yes:
    • Ingame palette name: select a name for your file.
    • Path to RCTPALMAKER.exe: select the RCTPALMAKER.exe file, which will be used for creating the DAT file.
  5. Press OK to generate your palette file(s).
  6. (Optional) Copy the DAT file to one of the following folders to have it show up ingame.
    • /Documents/OpenRCT2/object/ (preferred)
    • /RollerCoaster Tycoon 2/ObjData/


This folder is set up according to this guide to make VS Code's Python plugin work with GIMP libraries.

Things to note:

  • Path to Python 2.7 is configured in "python.defaultInterpreterPath" in .vscode/settings.json. Note that this setting is the replacement for the now deprecated "python.pythonPath" property mentioned in the guide.
  • The "PYTHONPATH" environment variable is updated in .env and should have the full path to the Python libraries in your GIMP installation, e.g. /GIMP 2/lib/gimp/2.0/python.

Error log

You can see any load or runtime errors by launching GIMP from cmdline, for example with Powershell like:

  1. Go to /GIMP 2/bin/ in the GIMP installation folder.
  2. Shift right-click inside the folder (but not on any file).
  3. Click the Open PowerShell window here option.
  4. Type ./gimp-2.##.exe --verbose but replace the ## with the version number present in the folder.
