simple GAN example code

Primary LanguagePython

Simple GANs example code

All codes running in Python3. You have to check the packages first, and use pip install to install if you miss them:

  • Tensorflow==1.3.0
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • urllib
  • tarfile
  • pickle
  • six


python 01-cifar10_DCGAN_slim.py --bs 256 --dlr 0.0002 --glr 0.0002

Results & Models

The training results are saved in the [result] folder. The tensorflow checkpoint models are saved in the __models__ folder.


You can use tensorboard to see the training progress online. First, toggle the port:

$ tensorboard --logdir=summary/
Tensorboard 0.1.5 at http://ServerName:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Then open your browser, go to http://localhost:6006. You can see the histogram of inception score progressing.

Examples of generated images

  • mnist


  • cifar10


  • imagenet
