= Maze A fun little gem to generate and explore mazes. == Mazes see Mazer::Maze It's easy to make a maze : Maze::Maze.new(5) # will build a 5x5 maze. Maze::Maze.new(8,6) # will build a 8x6 maze. == Cells see Mazer::Cell You can access cells : maze = Maze(10) # generates the maze cell = maze[2, 5] # read cell at [2, 5] cell.north # read cell at [2, 4] cell.door :west # west door closed => nil cell.open :east # open the door to [3, 5] => cell at [3, 5] cell.door_east # east door open => cell at [3, 5] == License And it's on GPL V3 too, so you can use, copy, read, share, change, whatever. see link:LICENSE for more details