Simply stated is a simple yet extensible API to define state machine behaviour when creating a class.
It’s quite easy ; let’s imagine a simple state machine with 2 states and one transition by state :
---goto_other--> [initial] [other] <-goto_initial--
You can define it as follows :
require 'simply_stated' class Machine include SimplyStated::Stated define_states do |d| d.state :initial do |s| s.transition :goto_other, :other end d.state :other do |s| s.transition :goto_initial, :initial end end end
Then, you can use as follows :
> machine = > => :initial > machine.goto_other > => :other > machine.goto_initial > => :initial
See SimplyStated::Stated for a fuller exemple.
Wanna read, use, reuse, change ? By all means please do, it’s under GPL V3.
see LICENSE for more details about the GPL V3, it’s pretty awesome