- Dealing with confidential data on your local machine can be done wrong very easily and many dont think about security but rather about pragmatism ... what if there could be a way to have both?
- It's even harder to deal with stuff that might get checked into soure control
- you enter confidential data without silent/unix style mode
- you leave confidential data in clear text in some files, sometimes you need them to be there
- you put them in ENV variables where people could read them browsing through your shell history if you're not cautious or
- often times we work with confidential data in our projects (passwords, access keys etc.) and they might get checked into source control
--> session-based, keeps track of your passwords/dummy passwords
--> save feature, so once you start a saved session later on, state of where you were is restored
--> once session is left, dummy passwords are put in place again
--> change environment just for the session
--> silent read of passwords ALWAYS
--> password-lock files
--> option to git pre-commit hook, so you can be sure you checked nothing wrong into source control, because it keeps track of your
- new
- start/stop -s "php" -p PROMPT
- list
- env
- file -times 4 or -lines 35,23 pattern="^foobar$" -i
- save
- hook --soft
- import/export
- prompts you for a master password
- is used to encrypt the database
- creates the database (sqlite)
- name(text)
- (some config values)
- id
- session_id
- date(timestamp)
- operation_id
- before
- after
- operation_id
- location(string)
- used_pattern(string)
- before
- after
- starts/stops a session
- creates a session if not already defined
- use -s to name the session
- updates PS1
- decrypts(start) or encrypts(stop) database
- use --convenient flag to 'start', to indicate that same password should be used
- stop rolls back all the changes
- lists all saved sessions
- saves the session to the database
- enter (silent read) state_after text to replace PATTERN with
- restrict times or lines with arguments
- enter (silent read) state_after text for env variable
- state gets saved to database
- --hard indicates that hook failes if it cant read database
- automatically create git hooks for all files
- ...