
Unofficial Python API for the Owlet Smart Baby Monitor

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Unofficial Python API for the Owlet Smart Baby Monitor

Python package Coverage Status PyPI version

This is an unofficial python API for retrieving data from the Owlet Smart Sock. The Owlet Smart Sock is a baby monitoring system that tries to prevent the Sudden infant death syndrome by monitoring the baby's heartbeat as well as blood oxygen level via pulse oximetry and warning parents if abnormalities are detected.

The Owlet Smart Sock sends data to the Ayla Networks cloud service. You can access it via the Ayla API. The meaning of many attributes is not yet known (to me), but some are more obvious. See here for an example:

1546552539.567462;AC000W00REDACTED;None;None;1;1;1;None;Little Baby;1;81;20190115;EEFE7EREDACTED;0;0;0;0;0;None;None;M;89;0;None;None;E711E4REDACTED;https://ads-field.aylanetworks.com/apiv1/devices/REDACTED/properties/LOGGED_DATA_CACHE/datapoints/REDACTED.json;None;0;None;0;0;0;0;0;0;M2_2_0_0_a078;B2_0_19_0_f331;0;0;0;99;None;None;1;0;None;None;0;0;


  • Python >= 3.5
  • requests
  • python-dateutil
  • argparse


The easiest way to access data from the Owlet is via our command line interface (CLI).

Command Line Interface

Here is the build-in help:

usage: owlet [-h] [--device DEVICE] [--stream ATTRIBUTES] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
             email password {token,devices,attributes,stream,download}
             [{token,devices,attributes,stream,download} ...]
owlet: error: the following arguments are required: email, password, actions

Obtain an authentication token:

$ owlet email@email.org password token
Token: 402aba28d94a4493a106a6REDACTED

Obtain a listing of all devices in your account:

owlet email@email.org password devices
AC000W00REDACTED Online  18.7667 4.1833

List all attributes of all devices in your account:

$ owlet email@email.org password attributes
AGE_MONTHS_OLD      Age (Months)          None                 None
ALRTS_DISABLED      Disable Alerts        None                 None
ALRT_SNS_BLE        Alert Sense Ble       2018-05-09 20:54:11+00:00 1
ALRT_SNS_YLW        Alert Sense Yellow    2018-05-09 20:54:42+00:00 1
APP_ACTIVE          App Active            2019-01-10 18:50:40+00:00 0

Contiously poll the service for new data and output in CSV format:

$ owlet email@email.org password stream

Download the LOGGED_DATA_CACHE (of currently unknown format):

owlet email@email.org password download


You can take the CLI implementation as reference. A basic example:

# Import Owlet API
from owlet_api.owletapi import OwletAPI

# Instantiate and login
api = OwletAPI('email@email.org', 'password')

# Iterate over all devices
for device in api.get_devices():
    # Update the attributes of this device
    # Enable data streaming for this device
    # Print out all properties
    for name, myproperty in device.get_properties().items():
        print("%-19s %-21s %-20s %s" % (myproperty.name, myproperty.display_name, myproperty.last_update, myproperty.value))

What are the properties for a device ?

Attribute Human Readable Example value Interpretation
AGE_MONTHS_OLD Age (Months) None Unknown
ALRTS_DISABLED Disable Alerts None Unknown
ALRT_SNS_BLE Alert Sense Ble 1 BLE Alert Enabled?
ALRT_SNS_YLW Alert Sense Yellow 1 Yellow Alert Enabled?
APP_ACTIVE App Active 0 Flag set by the App (or this library) to enable data streaming
AVERAGE_DATA Average Data None Unknown
BABY_NAME Baby's Name Little Baby Baby's name as set in the App
BASE_STATION_ON Base Station On 1 Is base station enabled?
BATT_LEVEL Battery Level (%) 95 Battery Level of the sock
BIRTHDATE Birthdate 20190115 Baby's Birthdate
CHARGE_STATUS Charge Status 0 Is sock charging?
CRIT_BATT_ALRT Crit. Battery Alert 0 Battery Critical Alert
CRIT_OX_ALRT Crit. Oxygen Alert 0 Oxygen Critical Alert
DEVICE_PING Device Ping 0 Unknown
DISABLE_LOGGED_DATA Disable Logged Data None Unknown
ELEVATION Elevation None Unknown
GENDER Gender M Baby's Gender
HEART_RATE Heart Rate 136 Baby's Heart Rate
HIGH_HR_ALRT High HR Alert 0 High Heart Rate Alert
LATITUDE Latitude None Unknown
LIVE_DATA_STREAM Live Data Stream None Unknown
LOCAL_BLE_MAC_ID Base BLE Mac Id E711E4REDACTED BLE MAC of base station
LOGGED_DATA_CACHE Logged Data Cache https://....json URL of logged data (format unknown)
LONGITUDE Longitude None Unknown
LOW_BATT_ALRT Low Battery Alert 0 Low Battery Alert
LOW_BATT_PRCNT Low Batt. Percent None Unknown
LOW_HR_ALRT Low HR Alert 0 Low Heart Rate Alert
LOW_INTEG_READ Low Integrity Read 0 Unknown
LOW_OX_ALRT Low Oxygen Alert 0 Low Oxygen Alert
LOW_PA_ALRT Low Pa Alert 0 Unknown
MOVEMENT Baby Movement 1 Is baby moving?
NURSERY_MODE Nursery Mode 0 Unknown
oem_base_version oem_base_version M2_2_0_0_a078 Unknown
oem_sock_version oem_sock_version B2_0_19_0_f331 Unknown
ON_BOARDING On Boarding 0 Unknown
OTA_ERROR OTA Error 0 Unknown
OTA_STATUS OTA Status 0 Unknown
OXYGEN_LEVEL Oxygen Level 96 Baby's Oxygen Level
PREMATURE Premature None Unknown
SHARE_DATA Share Data None Unknown
SOCK_CONNECTION Sock Connection 1 Connection to sock available
SOCK_DISCON_ALRT Sock Disconnect Alert 0 Sock disconnected alert
SOCK_DIS_APP_PREF Sock Dis. App Pref. None Unknown
SOCK_DIS_NEST_PREF Sock Dis. Nest Pref. None Unknown
SOCK_OFF Sock Off 0 Unknown
SOCK_REC_PLACED Sock Recently Placed 0 Unknown


Several others have implemented APIs for the Owlet Smart Sock. The following inspired me when writing this code:

Thank you very much for your work and for open sourcing it!