
Duplicate is PhotoMetric API

Primary LanguagePython

PhotoMetrics API: Elevating Your Photography

Key Features:

  1. Blur and Sharpness Analysis:

    • Benefit: Ensure razor-sharp images with advanced analysis of blur and sharpness.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Identify and rectify focus issues, achieving optimal clarity and sharpness in every shot.
  2. Quality-to-Print Recommendations:

    • Benefit: Receive tailored print quality recommendations based on image resolution.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Optimize image resolution for different print sizes, ensuring the highest print quality for your artistic creations.
  3. Duplication Score Calculation:

    • Benefit: Detect duplicate or highly similar images within your portfolio.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Maintain a diverse and unique image collection, avoiding redundancy and showcasing a broader range of your skills.
  4. Average Depth Assessment:

    • Benefit: Gain insights into the three-dimensional aspects of your images.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Enhance depth perception by adjusting composition and framing, adding a dynamic element to your visual storytelling.
  5. Composition, Color Harmony, and Lighting Quality Scores:

    • Benefit: Evaluate overall composition, color harmony, and lighting quality.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Receive detailed insights into the visual and aesthetic aspects of your images, allowing you to refine and perfect your creative vision.
  6. Subject Appeal and Emotional Impact Scores:

    • Benefit: Gauge the appeal and emotional resonance of your subjects.
    • How It Helps Photographers: Understand how your subjects connect with viewers emotionally, guiding you in creating captivating and memorable photographs.

Why These Metrics Matter:

  1. Achieve Technical Excellence:

    • Ensure technical perfection in every shot, from sharpness and clarity to print quality, elevating your photography to professional standards.
  2. Create Unique and Impactful Portfolios:

    • Use the Duplication Score to curate portfolios that stand out, showcasing a diverse range of images and preventing redundancy.
  3. Enhance Visual Storytelling:

    • Leverage depth analysis, composition, color harmony, and lighting scores to craft visually compelling stories that resonate with viewers on an emotional level.
  4. Optimize for Print:

    • Tailor image resolution to different print sizes, ensuring that your prints reflect the same level of quality and detail as your digital work.

How It Works:

  1. Easy Integration:

    • Seamlessly integrate the PhotoMetrics API into your photography workflow using our straightforward API documentation.
  2. Real-time Results:

    • Receive instant feedback and scores for each metric, enabling you to make on-the-spot adjustments during your photo editing process.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting:

    • Access detailed reports for each image, with clear visualizations and explanations for every metric analyzed.

Get Started with PhotoMetrics API:

  • Elevate your photography by harnessing the power of advanced image metrics. Sign up for our PhotoMetrics API today and embark on a journey to perfecting your visual storytelling.
            "image_path": "/Users/dev/Desktop/1699604043573.jpeg",
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            "lighting_quality_score": 3.16679168791012,
            "subject_appeal_score": 0.1617298349075491,Wq
            "emotional_impact_score": 2.6763847063374566
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            "duplication_score": 0.18492465052231616,
            "average_depth": -12.036372387238725,
            "composition_score": 8.801253274602475,
            "color_harmony_score": 9.351876725600025,
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