
Batch SDK Air Native Extension for Android and iOS

Primary LanguageActionScript

Batch SDK

Batch SDK AIR extension

This repository contains the source code of Batch SDK Air Native Extension. With this extension, you'll be able to use all of Batch SDK features directly in an ActionScript 3 AIR app.


The project contains the following part :

  • An Android extension to wrap Android Native code to AIR. It's an Android Eclipse project, located in the androidExtension folder.
  • An iOS extension to wrap iOS Native code to AIR. It's an Xcode Objective-C project, located in the iosExtension folder.
  • The AIR library, that makes Batch API available to ActionScript. It's an ActionScript 3 project, located in the lib folder.
  • The AIR Stub library, that allow the Extension to be runned into an AIR Simulator. It's an ActionScript 3 project that contains the same classes as the real library but with stub implementation (no real call to Batch native apis). It's located in the stubLibrary projet.
  • An ant build script (build.xml) at the root, associated with a build.config script that you must create out of the exemple.build.config file with path to your SDKs.
  • An include folder that contains all native assets to build the ANE.

Include folder

The include folder contains 4 native asserts for iOS and Android to generate the ANE:

  • android-support-v4.jar: The Android Support Library jar. Used to build the ANE with PlayServices included.
  • google-play-services_lib folder: Google Play Services project with both jar and resources. It's used to build the ANE with PlayServices included.
  • Batch: Batch Android SDK Eclipse project.
  • Batch.framework & Batch.bundle: Batch iOS Framework & resources.

Important notice: All Java jars must be compiled for Java 6. All files that are compiled for Java 7 will be ignored by the AIR compiler and will not be included into the ANE. This is an AIR limitation.


The extension is compatible with AIR 4 and has been built an tested with AIR 18 and Flex SDK 4.14.1. If you want to use a different Flex or AIR SDK, you may have to update the code according to new syntaxt and build tools.

How to build

To build the ANE you should create a build.config out of the sample file provided (exemple.build.config). Simply put the path to your Flex SDK, Android SDK and Android PlatformTools and rename the file build.config.

Then you can run the ant build script. To build the ANE, simply run the following command at the root of the repository:


It will generate 2 files at the root of the repository:

  • Batch-ANE.ane : The Batch Air Native Extension
  • Batch-ANE-GPS.ane : Same extension but with PlayServices included

Generate ASDoc

To build the doc you can use the ant build:

ant doc

It will generate the AsDoc under the doc folder.