
The one app to rule them all!

Primary LanguageC#


The World App

Welcome fellow GitHub aficionado!

This demo application will allow you to plan for trips around the world. Feel free to clone this repository and modify in any way you'd like.

The corresponding Pluralsight tutorial for this demo can be found here.


  • Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 (IDE)
  • ASP.NET 5 (.NET Framework RC1)
  • MVC 6 (Lastest version of Microsoft's port of the MVC Design Pattern)
  • Web API (Now merged with MVC 6, uses HTTP verbs for HTTP Requests/Responses)
  • Entity Framework 7 (Latest pre-release version of EF from Microsoft)
  • Bootstrap (Version 3.3.6, for page layout)
  • Font Awesome (Version 4.5, for page icons)
  • Bing Maps API (To determine longitude and latitude values based on location entered)
  • AngularJS (Version 1.5, for communicating with the Web API and displaying results)
  • JSON (Format for transmitted and received data)

Installation Instructions

In order to successfully run this web application, you must install the following:

Check Runtime Engines Via The .NET Version Manager

Once the ASP.NET 5 Framework is installed, open your command prompt and run the command dnvm list. You should see a list similar to the one below:


If you do not have at least Version 1.0.0-rc1-update1 with the Runtime clr and Architecture x64, you will need to install that version for this application to function. You may install that version of the runtime with the following command:

dnvm install 1.0.0-rc1-update1 -r clr -arch x64 -p
(-p signifies to keep the version active and persistent even after the command prompt window is closed)

Configuration Instructions

Bing Maps Key Creation

Once you have successfully installed the required IDE and Framework, the last requirement will be to obtain a Bing Maps Key, for use with their geolocation API.

You may create your Bing Maps Key here.

Bing Maps Key Configuration

The Bing Maps key must be added as an environment variable on your Windows system, by performing the following steps:

Step 1: Depending on your version of the Windows OS, search for Environment Variables

Step 2: Once the System Properties dialog box opens, click the Environment Variables button


Step 3: In the top section, click the New... button

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Step 4:

For the Variable name enter AppSettings:BingKey
For the Variable value enter the Bing Key that you created with your Bing Maps account.

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Running the application

Once everything is up and running, you can simply open the web application in Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 and run the application via the IIS Express run button.

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Once the application loads in your browser of your choice, you may login with the following credentials:

  • Username: samhastings (all lowercase)
  • Password: P@ssw0rd1

If you encounter any issues at all, please feel free to contact me anytime at jason_priddy@yahoo.com, or message me here on GitHub.


  1. Publish web application to free Azure account.

Thank you and enjoy!