
RISC-V Assembly Simplified Huffman Coding

Primary LanguageAssembly

4190.308 Computer Architecture (Fall 2020)

Project #3: RISC-V Assembly Programming

Due: 11:59PM, November 8 (Sunday)


The goal of this project is to give you an opportunity to practice RISC-V assembly programming. In addition, this project introduces various RISC-V tools that help you compile and run your RISC-V programs.


In this project, we focus on the 32-bit RISC-V processor that implements a subset of RV32I base instruction set. RV32I was designed to be sufficient to form a compiler target and to support modern operating system environments, containing only 40 unique instructions.

Problem specification

Write the function decode() that decodes the data compressed with the Simplified Huffman Coding in Project #1. The prototype of decode() is as follows:

int decode(const char *inp, int inbytes, char *outp, int outbytes);

The first argument inp points to the memory address of the input compressed data. The length of the input data (in bytes) is specified in the second argument inbytes. The decoded (original) data should be stored starting from the address pointed to by outp. Finally, the outbytes argument indicates the number of bytes allocated for the result by the caller.

The function decode() returns the actual length of the output in bytes. If the size of the output exceeds the outbytes, it should return -1 and the contents of the output is ignored. When the inbytes is zero, decode() returns zero.

In the assembly code, those arguments for inp, inbytes, outp, and outbytes are available in the a0, a1, a2, and a3 registers, respectively. Also, you need to put the return value in the a0 register on return. Because we are using the 32-bit RISC-V simulator, all the registers are 32-bit wide.

You will be using lw and sw RISC-V instructions to access data in memory. The lw instruction reads a 4-byte word from the memory, while the sw instruction stores a 4-byte value into the memory. Because all the memory accesses are performed with these instructions, you can safely assume that the size of the memory region allocated for inp or outp is a multiple of 4.

Building RISC-V gcc compiler

In order to compile RISC-V assembly programs, you need to build a cross compiler, i.e. the compiler that generates the RISC-V binary code on the x86-64 machine. To build the RISC-V toolchain on your machine (on either Linux or MacOS), please take the following steps. These instructions are also available in the README.md file of the PyRISC toolset.

1. Install prerequisite packages first

For Ubuntu 18.04LTS, perform the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex
$ sudo apt-get install texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev

If your machine runs MacOS, perform the following command (If you don't have the brew utility, you have to install it first -- please refer to https://brew.sh):

$ brew install gawk gnu-sed gmp mpfr libmpc isl zlib expat

2. Download the RISC-V GNU Toolchain from Github

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain

3. Configure the RISC-V GNU toolchain

$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i

4. Compile and install them.

Note that they are installed in the path given as the prefix, i.e. /opt/riscv in this example.

$ sudo make

5. Add /opt/riscv/bin in your PATH

$ export PATH=/opt/riscv/bin:$PATH

Skeleton code

We provide you with the skeleton code for this project. It can be downloaded from Github at https://github.com/snu-csl/ca-pa3/.

To download and build the skeleton code, please follow these steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/snu-csl/ca-pa3.git
$ cd ca-pa3
$ make
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -c -Og -march=rv32g -mabi=ilp32 -static  decode.s -o decode.o
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -c -Og -march=rv32g -mabi=ilp32 -static  decode-main.s -o decode-main.o
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -c -Og -march=rv32g -mabi=ilp32 -static  decode-test.s -o decode-test.o
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -T./link.ld -nostdlib -nostartfiles -o decode decode.o decode-main.o decode-test.o  

Running your RISC-V executable file

The executable file generated by riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc should be run in the RISC-V machine. In this project, we provide you with a RISC-V instruction set simulator written in Python, called snurisc. It is available at the separate Github repository at https://github.com/snu-csl/pyrisc. You can install it by performing the following command.

$ git clone https://github.com/snu-csl/pyrisc

To run your RISC-V executable file, you need to modify the ./ca-pa3/Makefile so that it can find the snurisc simulator. In the Makefile, there is an environment variable called PYRISC. By default, it was set to ../../pyrisc/sim/snurisc.py. For example, if you have downloaded PyRISC in /dir1/dir2/pyrisc, set PYRISC to /dir1/dir2/pyrisc/sim/snurisc.py.


PREFIX      = riscv32-unknown-elf-
CC          = $(PREFIX)gcc
CXX         = $(PREFIX)g++
AS          = $(PREFIX)as
OBJDUMP     = $(PREFIX)objdump

PYRISC      = /dir1/dir2/pyrisc/sim/snurisc.py      # <-- Change this line
PYRISCOPT   = -l 1

INCDIR      =
LIBDIR      =
LIBS        =


Now you can run decode, by performing make run. The result of a sample run using the snurisc simulator looks like this:

$ make run
/dir1/dir2/pyrisc/sim/snurisc.py   -l 1 decode
Loading file decode
Execution completed
zero ($0): 0x00000000    ra ($1):   0x8000000c    sp ($2):   0x80020000    gp ($3):   0x00000000    
tp ($4):   0x00000000    t0 ($5):   0x00000006    t1 ($6):   0x00000006    t2 ($7):   0x80010018    
s0 ($8):   0x00000000    s1 ($9):   0x00000004    a0 ($10):  0x800100dc    a1 ($11):  0x0000002c    
a2 ($12):  0x8001fef0    a3 ($13):  0x00000100    a4 ($14):  0x00000000    a5 ($15):  0x00000000    
a6 ($16):  0x00000000    a7 ($17):  0x00000000    s2 ($18):  0x00000000    s3 ($19):  0x00000000    
s4 ($20):  0x00000000    s5 ($21):  0x00000000    s6 ($22):  0x00000000    s7 ($23):  0x00000000    
s8 ($24):  0x00000000    s9 ($25):  0x00000000    s10 ($26): 0x00000000    s11 ($27): 0x00000000    
t3 ($28):  0x80010030    t4 ($29):  0x80010108    t5 ($30):  0x00000020    t6 ($31):  0x0000003f    
120 instructions executed in 120 cycles. CPI = 1.000
Data transfer:    26 instructions (21.67%)
ALU operation:    67 instructions (55.83%)
Control transfer: 27 instructions (22.50%)

If the value of the t6 (or x31) register is nonzero, it means that your program didn't pass some test cases. Each bit in the value of the t6 represents the result of a test case (LSB is for test 0, and so on...). The bit will be set if your program didn't pass the corresponding test.
For example, if the value of the t6 is equal to 0x0000000d (0b1101 in binary), it means that your program didn't pass test 0, 2 and 3, while passing the others.


  • You are allowed to use only the following registers in the decode.s file: zero (x0), sp, ra, and a0 ~ a5. If you are running out of registers, use stack as temporary storage.

  • The maximum amount of the space you can use in the stack is limited to 128 bytes. Let A be the address indicated by the sp register at the beginning of the function decode(). The valid stack area you can use is from A - 128 to A - 1. You should always access the stack area using the sp register such as sw a0, 16(sp).

  • Your solution should finish within a reasonable time. If your code does not finish within a predefined threshold, it will be terminated.

  • The top 10 fastest decode() implementations will receive a 10% extra bonus. Also, the next top 10 fastest implementation will receive a 5% bonus. The time will be measured in clock cycles which is identical to the total number of instructions executed.

Hand in instructions

  • Submit the decode.s file to the submission server.
  • You should write a 1~2 page report to explain your assembly implementation of the decode() function.
    • Submit the report.pdf file to the submission server.
    • It will account for 10% of your score in this assignment.
    • It will be graded as pass or fail.


  • You will work on this project alone.
  • Only the upload submitted before the deadline will receive the full credit. 25% of the credit will be deducted for every single day delay.
  • You can use up to 4 slip days during this semester. If your submission is delayed by 1 day and if you decided to use 1 slip day, there will be no penalty. In this case, you should explicitly declare the number of slip days you want to use in the QnA board of the submission server after each submission. Saving the slip days for later projects is highly recommended!
  • Any attempt to copy others' work will result in heavy penalty (for both the copier and the originator). Don't take a risk.

Have fun!

Jin-Soo Kim
Systems Software and Architecture Laboratory
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Seoul National University