
Hacking mini game from NieR : Automata re-created with Unreal Engine for learning and fun purposes :)

Primary LanguageC++


Hacking mini game from NieR : Automata re-created with Unreal Engine for learning and fun purposes :)

How to install :

  • This game was build with Unreal Engine 4.14.3, so you should have at least this version.
  • Once you cloned the project, either double click on the HackingGameNier.uproject icon, or choose to browse to this file from the EpicGame/UnrealEngine Launcher
  • Once the editor is launched, click on Maps folder, then double click on the GameMap file.
  • There you go ! You can now play / edit this project to make it look like NieR Automata's Hacking mini game !

Here are a few examples of what I'm trying to achieve with this project : HackingMiniGame01


Done :

  • (28/03/17) : Playable prototype on which the game will be build
  • (29/03/17) : Camera now following the player (done with BP)
  • (29/03/17) : Player Projectiles (material), 3 Life for the Player (C++ & GUI text Widget)

TODO (started 28/03/17) :

  • Change the camera and make it follow the player with Lerp (linear interpolation) Done
  • create different types of enemies (protected, turrets, following enemies)
  • create new materials/textures/UI similar to the original game
  • create obstacles (and obstacles that can damage the player)
  • give 3hp to the player and different life points to the enemies depending their types
  • Add multiple levels
  • Change the assets for the player, enemies, obstacles and bullets/projectiles