
Here are the eight most populous countries in the world:

Id Name Area Population Source
18 India 3,287,240 1,348,834,400 Based on 2011 census
27 Bangladesh 143,998 166,774,136
34 Pakistan 803,940 205,095,217 Official population clock
42 Nigeria 923,768 200,962,000 UN projection
46 United States 9,833,517 329,424,894 Official population clock
54 Brazil 8,515,767 210,076,263
59 China 9,640,821 1,397,906,480 Official estimate
60 Indonesia 1,904,569 268,074,600 Official annual projection
  1. Using your favorite DB client, design and create a database table called countries that would store the information presented above (create a database first if you don’t have any existing ones to play with). Don’t bother with creating any keys or indices for now, just create the five columns. Copy and paste the SQL query generated by the client below (it should start with create table or something similar; if it is difficult to find the query generated by your client, ask for assistance):

    create table countries (
    id integer,
    name text,
    area bigint,
    population bigint, 
    source text

) ```

  1. Manually create a query or a series of queries that would fill the table with the information above. Put the query/queries below:

    INSERT INTO countries (id, name, area, population, source) VALUES 

(18, 'India', 3287240, 1348834400, 'Based on 2011 census'), (27, 'Bangladesh', 143998, 166774136, null), (34, 'Pakistan', 803940, 205095217, 'Official population clock'), (42, 'Nigeria', 923768, 200962000, 'UN projection'), (46, 'United States', 9833517, 329424894, 'Official population clock'), (54, 'Brazil', 8515767, 210076263, null), (59, 'China', 9640821, 1397906480, 'Official estimate'), (60, 'Indonesia', 1904569, 268074600, 'Official annual projection') ```

  1. Create a query that would return everything from the table:

    select * from countries
  2. Create a query that would return a single row: the country with the ID of 46.

    select * from countries where id = 46
  3. Create a query that would return the four countries with the following IDs: 18, 34, 54, 59.

    select * from countries where id in (18, 34, 54, 59)
  4. Create a query that would return all the countries except the country with the ID of 27 (Bangladesh).

    select * from countries where id != 27
  5. Create a query that would select the names and sources for the countries whose area is over 1,000,000 km2:

    select name, source from countries where area > 1000000
  6. Create a query that would select the IDs of the countries with missing sources:

    select id from countries where source is null
  7. Create a query that would return the area, population, and population density (a computed column aliased density) of every country that has a source.

    select area, population, (population / area) as density from countries where source is not null
  8. Create a query that would return the list of all sources, without repetition:

    select distinct source from countries
  9. Create a query that would select the countries whose source is official (starting with Official) or the area is below 1,000,000 km2:

    select * from countries where source like 'Official%' OR area < 1000000
  10. Create a query that would select the countries whose source is official (starting with Official) and the area is below 1,000,000 km2:

    select * from countries where source like 'Official%' AND area < 1000000
  11. Create a query that would select all the countries except those whose source is official (starting with Official):

    select * from countries where source not like 'Official%'
  12. Create a query that would select the countries whose names start with an N, O, P, ..., X, Y, or Z:

    select * from countries where name > 'N%'
  13. Create a query that would return all the countries sorted by their name alphabetically:

    select * from countries order by name
  14. Create a query that would return the population density figures of the countries sorted in the descending order. The column should be aliased density.

    select (population/area) as density from countries order by density desc
  15. Create a query that would return the countries sorted by their source alphabetically, and then (if two or more countries share the same source) by their name in the reverse alphabetical order:

    select * from countries order by source, name desc
  16. Set all sources to NULL:

    update countries set source = null
  17. Update the sources for the countries with the population over 1,000,000,000 to Official:

    update countries set source = 'Official' where population > 1000000000
  18. Multiply the area by 100 and add 10 to the population for every country whose ID is greater than 50:

    update countries set area = area * 100, population = population + 10 where id > 50
  19. Delete from the table every country whose population is less than 300,000,000:

    delete from countries where population < 300000000
  20. Delete all countries from the table:

    delete from countries