Detailed Assignment Description In order to ensure the high quality of the assigned project you need to fulfill the following tasks:

  1. Perform refactoring of the entire project (its directory structure, project files, source code, classes, interfaces, methods, properties, fields and other class members and program members and its programming logic) in order to make the code “high quality” according to the best practices introduced in the course “High-Quality Programming Code”.

  2. Implement design patterns – redesign the project to fulfil 6 of the Software Design patterns

  3. Follow the SOLID and DRY principles – Single responsibility, Open/close, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, Dependency inversion, Don't repeat yourself

  4. Design and implement unit tests covering the entire project functionality. To ensure the project works correctly according to the requirements and behaves correctly in all possible use cases, design and implement unit tests that cover all use cases and the entire program logic. If needed, first redesign the program logic to make the code testable.

  5. Document the refactorings you have performed in order to improve the quality of the project. Use English or Bulgarian language and follow the sample (see below).