This is a Shuffle Bag implementation, highly inspired by this nice article and its C# example.
A Shuffle Bag can be used for picking random items while reaching the targeted distribution after max. X picks, where X means the sum of all amounts the items were added.
The Shuffle Bag could be used in games in order to provide a certain amount of randomness while having the guarantee to keep the game balanced at the same time.
The easiest way to install this library is to use Composer Add the package "battlerattle/shuffle-bag" to your composer.json
"require": {
"battlerattle/shuffle-bag": "v1.0-beta"
Imagine you want 3 different items to be picked with a probability of 10%, 30% and 60%. Add those items 1, 3 and 6 times to your bag and after 10 picks you got the targeted distribution. Add those items 10, 30 and 60 times in order to get a better randomness, because you could get the first item 10 times in row by random, but after max. 100 picks, you reached the target distribution again.
Here we implement the example as described above:
use BattleRattle\ShuffleBag\ArrayShuffleBag;
$bag = new ArrayShuffleBag();
// add your items with a certain probability
$bag->add('item 1', 1);
$bag->add('item 2', 3);
$bag->add('item 3', 6);
// pick a random item
$item = $bag->next();
In order to use the same bag over multiple requests, you need to store the bag in a persistent storage. Here we use the PersistentShuffleBag with Redis (Predis) as storage:
use BattleRattle\ShuffleBag\PersistentShuffleBag;
use BattleRattle\ShuffleBag\Storage\RedisStorage;
use Predis\Client;
$redisClient = new Client();
$storage = new RedisStorage($redisClient);
$bag = new PersistentShuffleBag($storage);
$bag->add('foo', 42);
$bag->add('bar', 1337);
$item = $bag->next();