Dil : English / Turkish
This system facilitates the necessary procedures for students to take the exam in a mixed order in an educational institution. Lessons can be added to the system. Students can be added to the course. Classes can be added. Supervisors can be added. Depending on the type of difficulty, questions can be added. After all necessary adjustments are made, all documents required for the exam are presented to the user (ready for printing). These documents include an exam paper of mixed questions, a list of exam locations that allow examiners to see in which class they are, and a student attendance list for each course of the exam. With this system, creating a mixed exam becomes easier.
Project creation date: : March 2019
Download a copy of the project files to your local machine to run the project. Get the necessary environments. Make the connection between the database and the project. In order to make any changes on the project, you need to acquire the libraries and introduce them to the environment in which the project is running. The project may give errors in the lack of libraries.
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Java IDE
- Microsoft SQL server
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Some java libraries
To run the project, you must first obtain any version of the JDK software suitable for your system from oracle jdk and install it on your local machine. As a next step, you will obtain a database from Microsoft SQL Server and save the data base files in this database. Then, it will be enough to introduce the project to IDE environment and perform the debug operation. During this process, you should test the connection between the database and the project and make the necessary adjustments. The project becomes available at this stage. However, libraries must be introduced to make any changes on the project. In addition, the system may fail due to the lack of libraries. In order to promote the libraries, the relevant libraries should be acquired over the internet and identified to the project in line with the errors received.
- Batuhan Güneş - BatuhanGunes
See also the list of contributors contributors who participated in this project.
his project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.