
2022 is the NASA space app challenge project. The project is a hackathon project designed to create emergency scenarios for the ISS, find solutions to them and simulate it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Protect ISS - Lorem.One 2022 Space App Hackathon Project

As the lorem.one team, we chose the challenge called "Track The Space Station in 3D" for the 2022 NASA space app competition. In this challenge, we are expected to show the International Space Station on the plane of the 3D earth globe. Besides, we thought it would be better to add our own ideas to this challenge. And on top of that, we developed the "Protect ISS" project. Our project aims to protect the International Space Station from space debris.

Space Junks

According to NASA data, there are more than 23,000 tennis ball-sized space debris orbiting the Earth. This space junk could make the world no longer a suitable place for our satellites and spacecraft in the next 10 years. In this case, these high-speed particles can create a field around the Earth that destroys anything that comes between them. Since the International Space station is worth 150 billion dollars and was created with the support of 16 countries, we may not have a chance to build a second ISS. Currently, the orbit of the ISS is inspected by partner countries in order not to leave space debris in the ISS orbit. Although this reduces the possibility of encountering space junk, unfortunately it is not always sufficient. We, on the other hand, conducted research on the precautions to be taken in case of a possible collision despite all the precautions.

Our Solitions

Changing the ISS Elevation

If the ISS encounters space debris, the height can be increased or decreased with the help of thrusters, but due to orbital mechanics, the speed must also change with the height.

Kamikaze Satellites

It is aimed that kamikaze satellites in the area close to the ISS orbit, in case the thrusters do not work, by providing momentum transfer to the space junk, changing its speed and preventing a possible collision.

Rockets to be Sent from Earth

In case the Kamikaze satellites do not work, one of the rockets located in various parts of the world will be fired and the momentum transfer will be provided by the rocket coming from the world. However, this was considered a last resort as it would cause more space junk.