
The jewellery shop necklace's price and weight calculating system

-This console application will calculate total cost and weight 			  |
 if price and weight have to be estimated 					  |
-Consumer can arrive to the shop and choose some stones and			  |
 one necklace then can craft full necklace

-After this product manager will give value for this necklace by using
 this application

-Used classes(
		Database connection class with interface
		Necklace and stone entities
		Necklace and stone repositories
		Necklace and stone controllers
		Necklace and stone interfaces with methods by overriding them 
		Main class where we start our app
		MyApplication class to make User-Friendly Menu by choosing options )

# Class Main. Creates objects of DB connection,
  Repositories, Controllers and then starts application.
# Class MyApplication. In this class interface of the application is written. 
  Class calls other needed function.
# Class PostgresDB is used to connect to DATABASE.

Author: Shutenov Batyrkhan Group: BD-2004